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Saturday, May 31, 2008
HOLIDAES A BORE!:)well.what i can say is that holiday is such a BORE!its getting boring each day.i rather go to school to study and look and his face.:)LMAO:) thursday was fun after mr toh traet us makan,we went to bowl.Oh my,its so damn embarassing as i dont really know how to bowl.i think i should practice.:)then the rest went home so left me,ili,ely,syafiqah and we decided to go arcade.thanks ely.she used her card to pay.oh,we went to northpoint to play arcade.far aites:).we played the drum.Ouch!my hand hurts.gagaga!then dad called and ask me to go me and firzanah left while the 3 of them went to MAC to when we reach the yishun mrt,i was confused on which train to board on as i dont go anyway by train i travel by i can be a little bit outdated.hahaha!Luckily,me and fir board the right train or we will be going to went down at Yew tee as my dad fetched me from there.said GOODBYE to fir.then my dad went to my cousins place.and she slept my house for 2 days.yeah.can say my life a bore shall stop here.BYE!
Labels: :)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Fall for you over again!:)hey!so i've kinda of busy lately because of LMSC course.the first day was somehow boring but the 2nd day,man i gotta tell you it ROCKS!:)tha games was hell ya fun!so first thing we got uniform inspection.and guess what my formation sign was sewed wrongly AGAIN!so i think its the 3rd time my mum is gonna sew it for me to the correct place again.pity mum:(.then proceed on to the i stupidly volunteered myself to play the 'fold the poncho' game.well,i was holding backs with guys who i dont know.gagaga.OMG!the smell?unbearable.[no offence].the rest of the games you go find in afifah or hafizah's blog.i very the lazy to type now.:)so went back home.
then today i got shooting competition:)i dont even bother to polish my boots.:)damn lazy!gagaga!so went in saw SIR FAZRIL!happy:)i miss him.:)so inside the shooting range he disturb him.funny!:)so went back and pff to KFC wit fiza,fifa and erin.then this bicth call afifah.but she ignores the this bitch gave fiza a miss we decided to call this bitch.and guess what.she blablablabla fizah and afifah to be the MC for campfire at camp.FED-UP sia!its not bout im jealous or what im happy for them if they got the position but i think this bitch is buyers.whatever!lazy to talk bout this fcuking biatch!so 2moro going to yishun as MR HOT will be treating us to makan and maybe bowling.YEAH!so i decide to wear my skinnies,t-shirt and vest.hope it looks good:)so till here?
Labels: but wont admit it:), he knows it
Monday, May 26, 2008
LMSC COURSE;(Boring!today got LMSC course for all NPCC cadets.frankly,the course is super boring.but there were funny went out from home at 6.40 and waited for fizah at her bus stop.went to meet everyone at CCK interchange.went to HTA and change to full-uand so the course starts.Oh my,throughout the course my eye was superb heavy.BLABLABLA.12 noon came its time for lunch.the food was SUPERB!i finally finished it.gagagaga.then the course starts again.too lazy to elaborate.end at around 5.35?.yeah,that was long.but it does not end there.there is still 1 more day of course,but i was quite relieved when they say that there will be games the next day.YEAH!but there will also be uniform inspection and some drills in the morning.and not forgetting SHOOTING COMPETITIon.wish us luck!
so on wednesday still got shooting competition.thursday got outing woth MR TOH.woohoo!he is gonna treat us at SAFRA not sure what shirt to wear.HELP ME?thanks.:)hmm,probably nothing on friday.maybe going swimming when gurlfrends!:)so gonna end here.
Labels: CRUMPLER babe:)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
PTC:)ok,so today was a okay day for me.woke up around 12 plus as i need to pee urgently.then around 12.59 went out of the house with my parents to go for PTC[parents teacher conference].My slot time was somehow i reach like so damn early.1.15?somewhere the teacher who talked to my parents was MR TOH.hell yeh,i was wishing for him cos i know he is going to give me advise on studying.which he did,OF COURSE.i saw syifa with her parent talking to mdm dad say BLABLABLA to mr toh.i just sat there hearing their conversation.everything was about 10 mins.and so i gave mr toh his farewell card to him.i was shy in a way.which idon't know why the after that went to geylang to eat then told my dad wanted to go swimming.but it was cancelled due to some stupid and idiotic reasons.Went to my grandma's home.stayed till 10 plus.all my cousins were there so one of my cousin,sec 3,wanted to pranked called i gave azmee,shodiqin and asyidiq.GAGAGA it was so damn fun larh something happened later when was on the way back tomorrow got madrasah.IM SO DAMN LAZY TO GO!i dont even care if there is exam or not.GAGAGA!ok whatever i end here yarh. oh yarh,i got 3 in class and 5 in level position.i fail my maths only and got 3 As.still maintaining.
Friday, May 23, 2008
I'M BACK FROM CAMP!:)1st of all i want to say that the camp was AWESOME!although my coach wasn't that enthusiastic.but still he manage to teach us what is the meaning of coach name is AZIZ and HUAN DA[think so].now a summary of the 1st day till the 3rd day.
1st day
went to school with nurul.her mum send har to the bus stop.i love her was somehow cooler than went to yew tee to meet up with afifah but she was a little bit late so as we waited for her we shahirah came then jannah then nisaalong with afifah then hazimah and lst but not least hafizah. [not in order]so off 6to school.can say that our clique was the 1st? to reach the hall.then not long,more came.i was searching for azlin but sadly she did not come as she we were all seperated and put into in group 11.consists of -me,syafiqah,trevor,sofeana,ruzanna,wayne,haziq,zaki,wendy,tze chuan,shahirah,?,?,yan han,pearlyn,?,. i think i left out some cos i forget their names.sorry.including my coach.AZIZ.
ok so we are off to kota tinggi.we went to singapore custom and got my passport chopped.then off ti wehn we reach there we were suppose to sross this particular bridge to get to the campsite.that was the scariest part i can say as im afraid of height and the bridge is MOVING. i repeat its MOVING! but to me it was quite fun.ok so we put our bags into our tent and off to kayaking.
i partner with wani.the both of us panic when our kayak collide with yan han& was was continuosly shouting "left,right,left,right".tell you,the water is so damn extremely muddy and disgusting.
ok,moving on we did indiana jones.BORING.o yarh,forget to mention, my group was combined with it was fun.indiana jones was actualli a good game but my coach played it differently.stupid ass..
-then high elements.
-wash up
-blind fold man.WTH we were made to cross the moving bridge blindfolded.and i was holding on to wayne's back tightly.sorry arh wayne.
-de brief
-lights out.
2nd day
-low elements
-trekking.damn the hill was so damn steep.i almost fall but never.LUCKy me.
-wash up
-get ready for campfire.
this is the part i love most as i get to shout all i want.YEAH!ok when we were having campfire i keep disturbing ALVIN.he is so damn cute! it ended and we got de brief and a little bit of supper.
i was hit on the forehead while shining torch light with alvin and jasper.jasper larh so asshole go hit i got a little scare on my head.DAMN IT!
now,here comes the funny part.i was sleeping in the middle of fatin and yash.they said that i snore the night before so i tried not to snore that night.eventually on that night,both of them was snoring as loud as possible.both we facing me.AARGH!fatin slept very the violent.her hand slapped my face.OUCH!hahaha.but overall its a fun night.
3rd day
woke up first so woke up the rest.yash was still sleeping when i woke her up.she keep saying"wait larh,waiit larh" hahaha.too sleepy maybe.we had breakfast.then something unexpectedly 11 & 12 was assigned to wash the GUYS toilet.Oh my,the smell was can smell it from far.thats how stinky guys toilets i did clean the toilet with YELICIA.she was my cleaning buddy.
out of sudden,after we cleaned 3-4 cubicle,this guy came out of the cubicle that we have washed earlier on and yelicia was like asking "why he smiling sia?"then yelicis went to the toilet the guy came out from and she found a shit inside the hole.DISGUSTIng! *^$$#%%^&%^^&*$^*)&^$%^$^ that guy sia.shit dunno how to flush is it then expect to flush for you.funny arh!then i smelled was the guy's shit larh.HORRIBLE GUY.
ok after cleaning got our camp attire and the best thing
home sweet home!:)
i got a lot of mosquito bite and i hate it.i think i have bond with with the express[maybe].but i really miss this two guys like hell. alvin tan and trevor.then are cute.:)
so today went to celebrate mr toh farewell party.i think everyone enjoyed it.the cake was YUMMY!:)
then tomorrow is PTC.damn scared sia.mum and dad will be going.BLUEK!
ok so now going off.TODDLES!:)
Labels: i miss alvin tan and trevor:)
Monday, May 19, 2008
KOTA TINNGI HERE I COME!OMG!im going to kota tinggi tomorrow.i love/hate it.the reason why i said love/hate it is because i kind of don't really like going overseas without my parents.Thats the feeling that i'm having right now but i know that when i reach there its gonna be a hell FUN.okay,so i just finish packing up my you can see,i'm very lazy to pack up things.So just now in the evening i went to lot 1 with patricia and her mum to order for mr toh farewell party cake.and guess what the cake cost $ patricia mum paid for it.WOW!shes superb.hahaha.she used her UOB card and she got 10% then went home and then ate for a while then off to lot 1 to go and buy for my camping stuff.everything is all last minute preparation!woohoo.thats me!
ok till here.see u on thursday!
TODDLES!love u humans out there!
Labels: BYE MR TOH
Thursday, May 15, 2008
UPDATE!hello!wello!hahaha.ok,i know it has been quite a long time since i duh got back all my papers.only failed my math badly.29/100.pathetic marks:(.but nevermind,i can try harder the next time.passed all my other sujects.i got highest for combined humanites~YEAH!
74/100 which is an A2.happy!i never thought of getting the highest because i dont really know how to do my history now maybe im gonna get a crumpler and a treat from mdm khamilia.ok best!so now i got 3As.maybe only not sure yet.wait for PTC then i get to know.
YEAH!next week is sec3 camp.i got mixed feeling about the high elements.well i got phoebia of heights as you can see.hahahaha.ok.gtg.busy larh kan.
Labels: u shud have told me earlier HAZIQ.
Friday, May 9, 2008
MIXED FEELINGS!:)today was an awesome day for me as i went to play badminton as planned with girlfreinds but not all.thanks to those who turn up just now.fifa,fiza,erin and also the planner nurul.all along i thoght that this 'outing' is going to be a total bore as there is only 5 of us.but i was wrong.we were all like crazy human beings playing badminton and a lot of funny incident happened and also something that makes all of us paiseh.the first incident was that when nurul hit the shuttle cock,it went straight onto SERINNA's forehead.NO OFFENCE GIRL.the second was that when NURUL hit the shuttle cock,it went straight onto afifah's neck.we were all like laughing to afifah's and nurul's behaviour.funny larh kan.if you were there i bet you will laugh your ass out.hahahaha.then there was this cute/guy from teck whye sec playing badminton with his fellow friends.i keep looking at him.i bet afifah and nurul saw it.but i'm not the only one who said that the guy was cute but NURUL was the one too.i keep asking her whether he is a chinese or a maly.then she said should a malay guy.i think so too because his accents sounds like a malay guy.ok2 enough about the all along we laugh like we own the court.hahaha.we played for good 2 long hours.then something funny happened.while we were all resting nurul and afifah was playing.then suddenly tjis hot/cute guy came up to nurul and said that he and his fellow friends has booked the court.then i said"bodoh sial!".hahaha.actually we were supposingly to pay but we never after that PAISEH already we went home.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
BORED! it was such a total bore.didn't went anywhere.damn today was alone from 12 noon till 1.took my bro from school then went for lunch.then back home.reach home and called nurul to discuss about the outing the next day.its like almost everyone does not want to go swimming so me and nurul change to going to badminton.she said we have to book for it so we decided to meet up and check out how much is the rent.when we went to check i saw the board saying that we have to pay $3.50 per hour.then me and nurul went in and ask one of the players there.nurul went and ask"x'cuse me,you pay a not when u play badminton?"then the person say "no".then we were confused.want to pay or dont want.then i told nurul to ask the person who is working here whether do we need to pay a not.then the person say me and nurul apelagi sey.we say no need pay if they want to check on us like that.then we saw something funny. while me and nurul was talking,we saw this group of boys like want to fight so we kaypo kia a little bit arh.we sat near them then one of the malay guys starts to throw his WALLET. to one of the indian boy.then the malay friends and nurul was like "ehk,nak gaduh then ketawe2.klakar k pe sial" nurul also say"eh dorng gadoh k main2." she was confuse whether they were really fighting or what as they were all laughing.kekek siot.the rest u go find out yourself larh.lazy to say.funny sia see the boys fighting.throw wallet?wth.hahaha.
watever tomorrow going to play badminton.but me and nurul want to go swimming but the rest disagree.BORING!so maybe a couple of us might be going for both swimming and badminton.the fact is,my malay friends isn't that supportive.they like very lazy type.NO OFFENCE to u guys.but at least afifah is trying to help.
SO guys,tommorrow 12 noon outside swimming pool.bring along your badminton rackets and pls someone bring shuttle cock.thanks.
Labels: swimming?badminton?
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
title: MYE is OFFICIALLY over!;)its been a long time since i blog eventhough i switch on the just too lazy to update as its been the examination period.
well i can say i studied well for my examination although its last minute studies.but it really gets into my brain.seriously.i know its not a good studying method but that is how i just took my POA paper 2.i can still manage to do it although i did not get all the accounts least i got the balance for trading,profit & loss.
i hope i can pass all my subjects.pray for me guys!:)
so today came back and serve the met for a while then went to lot1 while my brother attended his math enrichment class.around 3 plus,my brother call and said"kakak ari ni tak ade math enrich ment program" no math enrichment programme.i was damn pissed off by him as i was at the library.asshole.
so went to fetch him ang got drenched by the heavy rain.should have brought along my small maybe later going send my brother for tuition and i have to my grandma's house.SIAN!
whatever it is now,i want to go to sleep.pray for me to get good results yea!
Labels: i want to get EXCELLENT RESULTS.