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Sunday, June 29, 2008
helo earthlings! its like long time since i blog.Busy ok!:)
so i don't think you guys are interested to read my stores in OBS right.Me too.:)i'm just too lazy too type.
yeah,so school had just re-open like 1 week ago.
1st day,was okay.But i don't really understand my maths.Same like tuesday and wednesday.But i undersatnd my maths bit by bit:)
THURSDAY was a fun day.After school went to Westmall with Nurul to survey stuff on POA. Actually,there should be more of us but they can't make it. Bustill two person was like 5 person?hah!So went wasetmall but the stuff there very the ex so decided to go to Sheng Shiong.Spent like 3 hours in there or lesser.Then proceed back to Lot1.Ate KFC and we gossip like crazy.People after people.Those who are reading don't be offended cause it might be you or it might not.:).well,can't blame us,girl are like that u do do something that makes us fed-up and we gossips about you.okay enough of that.So nurul treat me as i'm short of money actually bot short just NO MONEY!hahahaha!ok we went back around 8+ or took us home.Well,i can say that,NURUL is a fun and great gossip partner and i think she got the ear to listens to someones else problems and maybe confort them.Yeah,thats what i think of her.But sometime she an be a pain in the head as she like to disturb people well yu know that kind of thing.To nurul,don't get offended aites.But you are a real great friend to be with.:)
so i don't think you guys are interested to read my stores in OBS right.Me too.:)i'm just too lazy too type.
yeah,so school had just re-open like 1 week ago.
1st day,was okay.But i don't really understand my maths.Same like tuesday and wednesday.But i undersatnd my maths bit by bit:)
THURSDAY was a fun day.After school went to Westmall with Nurul to survey stuff on POA. Actually,there should be more of us but they can't make it. Bustill two person was like 5 person?hah!So went wasetmall but the stuff there very the ex so decided to go to Sheng Shiong.Spent like 3 hours in there or lesser.Then proceed back to Lot1.Ate KFC and we gossip like crazy.People after people.Those who are reading don't be offended cause it might be you or it might not.:).well,can't blame us,girl are like that u do do something that makes us fed-up and we gossips about you.okay enough of that.So nurul treat me as i'm short of money actually bot short just NO MONEY!hahahaha!ok we went back around 8+ or took us home.Well,i can say that,NURUL is a fun and great gossip partner and i think she got the ear to listens to someones else problems and maybe confort them.Yeah,thats what i think of her.But sometime she an be a pain in the head as she like to disturb people well yu know that kind of thing.To nurul,don't get offended aites.But you are a real great friend to be with.:)
OMG!its a shocking + fun day for me.School was fine.After school was hectic + crazy.Went home and took all my NPCC stuff and back to school.Met the rest outside scouts den.Guess what,while i was sitting,i put my leg on the chair abd it was trembling like crazy.I was like askinf afifah and Azlin and Serinna to see my leg.They find it shocking too.Then i told them that i was feeling scared about this training.So training went well,get to scold the Sec 1s.heheheh.(evil laughter).After that got dismissal parade.Afifah was the parade commander.You did a GOOD JOB!:)so got giving out of badges then got giving out BEST UNIT CADET AWARD.i was thinking that it was either afifah or hafizah.But it turn out to be(enter name).okay,its ME! i was totally freak out and went blank at instance.Afifah also said that.She said that when mr.VJ called out my name ,i looked around and went "arh?".seriously,i was so blurr,confused and BLANK! so i was supposed to march out to received the award and i totally forget.I just stayed untill afifah told me to march.HHAHAHA.BLURR SOTONG!Congrats to Daniel also for getting the male award.THanks to everyone who had congratulated me especially the BLUE TEAM.hahah.i love them to the core!That was friday.Saturday nothing much.
Never go religigious class.i never go for like 3 weeks already.Lazy larh.
So went Lot1 with parents and Bought myself an everlast watch.Black colour.I LOVE IT!:)
thanks mum!thats all.Enjoy the photos of friday and today!
Labels: She rocks:)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
WO AI TEN ZING!hah!i already missing everyone in TEN ZING!(except for 1 particular person)
so 1st DAY:
-went to school and met with hannah.
-then everyone gathered.
-bus-ed to punggol jetty.
-then board th boat.
-played some games.
-then seperated.wwas with YELICIA,ANGELE,irika,EUGENE and loges?thats from unity.
ok,my group na,e was TEN ZING.
so got icebreaking.the loves one:
jia hua,angie,mingfeng,nelly,angela,syikin,yelicia,fydie,logaes,loges,shidah,tian cheng,jia hong,irika,eshley and lastly my instructer:THERESA!
then we go pitch tent,and cooked our dinner.ate beside the romantic sia.then go bathe.i was with yelicia.then when we press the button for the shower suddenly got fire drill.SUAY sia!hahaha.
then continued bathing and went to sleep.
2nd day
-unpitch the tent.
-had breakfast
-learn how to kayak and belay.
very the scarry sia.we need to learn how to capsize.hahaha.SHIOK!
my kayak partner was ANGIE!man,i love her sia.she damn good nia.gees..
then liao.
3rd day
-8 hours leh.wahh i become darker liao.
-then must go through the swam.was lost and somemore the water level decreasing like so damn fast.angie was panicking i think.LOLS!
-so successfully we get to camp 1.
hah no toilet so so need to do our bussiness in the mather nature nia.
then we had 'pastmania'.lols!
then my leg got wat they called blister.wahh pain sia.
then went to sleep.there were only 3 people in the tent.
yelicia,me and loges.
more space sia.lols!
4th day
-woke up and unpithched.
-then we need to carry our 5 kg bag.sian damn heavy lorh.
-then go to one quary need to build up a the end nver succed but still we tried our best not like someone.irika larh,always headache larh whatever larh.alwaes give excuses when comes to work.ASSHOLE!bitch sia!
ok whatever.
-then carry on.
-our navigator was YELICIA AND JIA HUA.
shit gtg.continue 2moro?
so sorry..
Labels: to be continued
Thursday, June 12, 2008

this one azlin don't have and still NISA is missing!

me and NURUL:)
Yeah!Today was great!i hang out with GFs.Not that kind of hang out as in wasting our time but by doing revision in the morining and go to GYM:)

me and NURUL:)
Yeah!Today was great!i hang out with GFs.Not that kind of hang out as in wasting our time but by doing revision in the morining and go to GYM:)
so 9 am meet at Limbang Mac.So there was Azlin,fizah,Nurul,nisa,Fifa and Me.
So ate our breakfast first then stared with our first revision MATH!aww..i dread math but still i did try my best to learn something from Nisa.then we went BORED.we started to play funny + WOW game,like Police and theif(nurul suggested playing this).then Concentration(by ME!).then we used Nurul laptop.
Ok,the around 1 we went off to GYM at CCK complex.hah!its was fun OKAY.First time i go Gym at over there.hahaha!
Around 3.45 decided to stop and we headed for Yew Tee mac.we are like the travelling group.from limbang to CCK complex from there to Yew TEE.Ain't we just weird people.LOL!but,i seriously like when we took our Pictures!
Got one picture is NISA.i'm sure gonna be dead if she knows bout it.hahaha.
Wokay!i think thats enough for today aite.anyway,its the first time i upload photo on my blog.Hope you guys like it.
Labels: FINALLY:)
Monday, June 9, 2008
wokay:)survival camp was indeed fun.i was in group five-BATU!i was with gek there were a total of 12 peoplle in my group.they are-sarah,chee ying,ridhwan,hanafi,marves,syahindah,han ching,bing hui and and the rest forget the name liao.its kind of difficult for me to remember some of my chinese friends name de.along the way i met different kind of people and i also made new friends.surprisingly.i met some of my long lost primary school and kindergarden friends which is alliyah[kindergarden],bing hui and lydia[primary school].OMG,they changed a lot.okay enough back to what happen in the first day we went for treasure hunt.second day,never do anything because it was raining cats and dogs.but surprisingly the rain stop then we can do JETTY JUMP!damn it caouse i was not allowed to do as i fractured and sprain m y leg twice at the same place.all i could say is that.ASSHOLE!i was like looking forward to doing the jetty jump sia.nvermind.ok the campfire was indeed GREAT!:)i shout like one crazy girl.i also embarrased myself.not gonna tell you what happen.DAMN PAISEH SIA!surely all my fellow squadmates knew about it.hahahaha!3rd day,sadsad.finish camp already.took photos then do one last cheer.o yarh,forget to say.I GOT A CRUSH ON SIR MING JUN!hah!he damn cute and handsome sia.Oh my,wish i could meet hm again.hahahaha!ok.thats all about the camp larh.i get to know some new CIs like sir asri the camp co. Oh ya his favourite sentence was "DO YOU FEEL ME?"hahahha.funny sia.then maam hafizah,she was from yew tee primary sia which i was also from there.SHOCKED for a while de.some more is SIR MING JUN,maam winifred,maam amy,maam zana[my group CI],the rest forget as in their name.ok so overall camp was FUN!next week will be going to UBIN again for OBS!Oh My,tired!five days four night somemore!wish me luck guys!
thats all aites!
Labels: i miss sir ming jun:)
i dread camp.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
ok.nothing much lately.tomorrow is survival camp.oh im not that excited actually because im just too tired to go for camps.sp packed my bag in the afternoon.a lot to bring actually.i'm bored larh tell you more after my camp aite.toodles.
Labels: aww.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
ERM,UH?this is gonna be a very,very short post aite.because its always a boring day during the holidaes.rhymes aite.hahak.ok stop.i dont know what to post liao.:)
next time perhaps.
love you earthlings out there!
Labels: retard.