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your links go here, ♥Afifah Afif Gek hwee ♥Hafizah Ivy Melvin Zara Trevor Yuling Eugenechua Feng Yi Shahirah Jia li Hun ing Yan ru Elvis Olivia Yash Eddy Minwei Guan Quan Hun Ing ♥Serinna Shujun Hannah Benjamin ♥Azlin ♥Oneay Bingshu Mubin Yu Xiu ♥Wendy Yuhui(Ah Gong) ♥Syifa ♥♥♥Firdayana Alvin ♥Aryenti ♥Shahirah ♥Hazimah ♥Syahila ♥Farishia Justin ♥Farah deeee:D drumrolls
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
HeyHey!:D Pardon me if all my post i start by saying 'HeyHey'. Used to it already. Today school was quite okay. Not to boring. During CE period, watch Chicken Little. Quite a cute show and somehow taught me a lesson which is not to give up easily, if u fail keep on trying,and maybe ONE DAY you will succeed. Yeah. So yesterday was a sweaty day for me and my cliques. After school, it was raining cats and dog. So while waiting for the rain to stop we played Volleyball and Badminton in the hall. There were quite a number of people there playing badminton and basketball. So i played volleyball for quite a long time then changed to badminton. Guess what, i think syifa or whoever go hit the shuttle cock until stuck somehow on top of the fan. So who's the victim who have to go up and take, ME! Haha. They carried me like somehow we all are cheerleaders. I was shivering like mad and shouting like some crazy girl.(siao char bo). Haha. But in the end, i didn't get any balls. So here comes our heroes,HAHA,consists of alvin tan,alvin ho,faris,somemore forget liao. AlvinTan was the one who climb and took all the shuttle cocks. Woohoo! He go strong arms lei. HAHA. Thanks Guys! Then, we continued playing till 4.45pm. Bought drinks and went home. So today was Nurul Aryani and Shu Jun birthday! Happy Birthday You guys! May god bless you and also study hard for EOY. Haha. To nurul: Thanks for somehow being my
friend. Study hard and strive for your goals aite. Hehe. Okay. Maybe shall end here.
Labels: Ask me once and i'll come, i'll come running.
Please start SAVING!:D
Sunday, August 24, 2008
HeyHey!:D Just now went to religious class. Finally i went for it after 3weeks of not going. I'm damn pissed off and irritated by my phoney. It's like i think water enter my phone then my phone cannot read my memory card or is it my memory card. I don't know luh. Then,it's like all my stuff is inside eg. musics and photography. Then yesterday i wanted to charge my phone, guess what IT CANNOT BE CHARGED! Stupid!I'm like so freaking bored without my phone by my side. So now, i have to use my old phone. Paiseh luh ._. I'm like so used to using sony ericsson then now need to use nokia^^. So i think i've learn a valuable lesson which is not to bring along my phone with me when i want to bath just to hear music while bathing. I regretted what i've done^^. Tomorrow then go repair my phoney. Change topic.Another topic which i want to talk about is that I REALLY HAVE TO START SAVING MONEY!:D I think i left with another pathetic $10 inside my card. And its like there's alot of birthday's coming up. So i think, i won't be buying any of them presents as i'm somehow broke le.^^ Sorry de:( So, from now on i have to eat lesser and save money. I also need my freind to remind me not to eat too much. Hehe. ._. Shall stop here.
Labels: I miss my PHONEY:)
When boredom strikes^^
Saturday, August 23, 2008
HeyHey!:) I'm so bored right now. From blog-hopping. To friendster. From friendster . To Youtube. Listen to music. Superb sian lei. SChool was fine except that i failed 2 test. Biology and maths. Both same marks lei-7/20. Qiute sad but i won't give up^^So need to study harder de. But to my surprise , i passed my english exposition-22/30. Thought was like gonna fail my english cox i quite bad in writing. Hehe:) So Friday, had my SS test. 1 essay(13marks) in 25mins or so. I wrote 3 pages okay.:) I think i go write everything that i memorised from the paper can. So i hope will pass with flying colours. Top 3 can go snow centre. ._. POA on friday was okay. At least teacher got come. If not, i don't know what will happen to my POA. Was disturbed by Bing shu, Eugene and Gq. Thanks arh. Quite funny lei. But very pai seh cox he was like sitting in front of me somemore. Then got one time i go answer question then i answer wrongly then i think bing shu go say " ey, think look at HIM until give wrong answer!" LOL! I wasn't even looking at him can. Haha:) So there will be POA test next monday. Testing on Petty cash book and Debtor and Creditor a/c. Hope i can do the test de. Jia You FYDIE! ^^ NOw quite pissed off with my phone. Siao already! Then cannot msg people. RAWR! :D Oh ya, on friday's traing, i was the Parade commander. I was Damn nervous. Thanks to my squadmates who gave me support. Surprisingly, i remembered the pledge lei. LOL. But thanks Afifah for helping me though. After dismissal parade, izra told me that i didn't make any mistakes, it was all perfect. Thanks! LOL. But they say my face looked worried, stressed and scared. LOL!:D But now i very relieve already cox everything has ended. Thanks to all the encouragement that i get from my squadmates.:D End here.TOODLES!
Labels: short skirts? Theirs are even shorter okay.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
HeyHey!:D It's like so loooooooooooong i never update. Actually just a few days. Doinks! So school was okay luh. Got back my chemistry paper and guess what i passed. But the marks is not that up to standard one lo. Only 13 half. But overall i've got 34/50. Yeah. Gq failed but i told him to study harder, sure he can do it. Jia You! So yesterday night go meet trevor under somewhere near his block there. Reach there around 7.20?? he reach like 10mins later. Asshole. lol.Then talk cock for like one hour plus. He keep saying he talking to ghost^^lame de. Then he keep scaring me with cats. asshole luh. But he very funny can.:D So went back around 8 plus. Then started to revise for my biology test which is today. So today was Biology test. The paper like suck to the core lor. can say quite difficult. But i did tried my best lei. So now i'm kindda free so blog lor. Tmr still got some enrichment class. maybe its fun cos i get to sit with my peers and see someone de. Joking nia.:x okay, i stop here.
Confused state.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hey!^^ No time to update yesterday. So decided to update about ysd and today. Yesterday nothing much except that i stayed back and played volleyball when i realised that my left hand got blue-black liao. Somemore its not the small small type lei its like damn big like dat. Okay,whatever. So today school hours as per normal. After school went back and take my stuff for CCA and ate my lunch. So training was okay. Quite funny when see some people march. LOLS:) Then i keep looking at him during training. So after so many time see him decided to smile back lo. Hahaha!._. Training end at around 5.45, first time damn early finish lei. So went Mac. He came then sat beside our table. Msg Irwan ask him msg me using his phone. Later i go tell u what happen de. Tell SOMEONE came. Cute sia! :] But too bad no sits available so SOMEONE went off. Hais:( Okay, now i want tell you what happened. During training just now, Syifa told me that someone say i flirt. Feeled so pissed off. Then went Mac so him and so i ask irwan to lend him his phone to him cos i want to ask him something. So i tell him everything lo. Then i apologise to him if he think i flirt but i think i'm not. Then he say that he should be the one apologising to me. So now everything's good. But now i'm kind of in a dilemma. I like Melvin but he told me he like another girl so i'm like somehow wasting my time, yeah, people keep telling me you've got no chance. I just heck care what they say. Now, i like someone else but he like very the (enter word). So it's like i'm damn confuse. I don't know whether to let Melvin go or just forget about the guy i like and continue to like Melvin. Suggestion? :((( So confused!
Labels: I really hope he read this
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
HeyHey!:) So today school as per normal except that there was english test. Both my form teacher was not around. Haiya! :( So stayback after school,wanted to study with cliques but some went home and some went to science centre to watch movie. So left me alone to wait for Hun ing and his company to play volleyball. There were Hun ing, Melvin, Dinesh, Jun hong and Timotious. wile waiting for them i studied a little bit for tomorrow chemistry test. But nothing seems to get into my head at all. Waste of time! LOL:) So they came around 4. So they played soccer outside bb room, so i just watch them. Then someone came then they run away leaving me and Jun hong behind then me and jun hong kena nag like that. ASSHOLE!-.- Then went up to hall, played some volleyball then they went to play basketball. So most of the time i just sit there watch them play. SIAN okay! LOL:) So went off with them. They went to Mac and i went home. But when i board the bus i saw my cousin, so went alight the bus agan. Pai seh lei. Then went up to Mac so the Melvin and company they all. Chit-chat for awhile then i went off. Yea, So now i want to study for my chemistry test which is tomorrow. All the best to me. I really hope i pass my test. I think this year i slack like nobody's business sia. Someone help me please! LOL:DOkay, end here bah. Want go mug for test.
Labels: You're the star in me:)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Hey Hey! Finally like updated my freaking blog. So NDP was FUN and LUCKY day for me!
Why i say fun and lucky was because i get to take photo with the GUY, trevor and alvin tan. YEAH! So now going upload their photos. But one thing i hate, m
y face sucks. Paiseh mah.

On the 1st left - melvin lin xunping,the guy i have been talking about. Cute right!
On the right- trevor lee, my godbrother.
Below- alvin tan, quite cute de. LOL:)
Finally, i get to take photos with HIM(u know who). Its like very shocking when my freind say he want to take photo together. LOL:) Damn happy okay! I think i was blushing. And i think he was too. LOL:) Okay, till here.
Labels: damn cute.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
HeyHey!So today went to Ang Mo Kio ITE. Quite boring during the lecture but when it comes to hands on project it was okay luh. Still get to learn something. But all of us felt so awkward when we were there as everyone keeps staring at us which makes us scared and pai seh. So the thing was until 2.30 in the afternoon. Went back to school to change for our LAST training for the NDP'08. Quite tired. But no choice. So first round was okay but ended up laughing. Then we got somekind of breifing before the second round. So i was with Azlin, then we like suddenly laugh when we heard Azfar singing. But we stop laughing,then i decided to like cover my face with my hand as i was tired, out of the sudden SOMEONE! go shout "Azlin and companion, i have been watching you from just now. Stop all your monkey business can you! then i was like" Yes MAAM!". Fuck sia! Someone make me so fuck up sia. Sorry if too many vulgarities, jut can't stand this kind of people. After briefing i cried like nobodies business,then i go bang the wall all sia. First time i like damnn angry like siao like that. After that, i give attitude to SOMEONE then i keep staring at SOMEONE. Very irritating okay. Then Zara and Hannah was afraid that i might burst into tears again after the last briefing,so they like cheer me up. Thanks babes! Actually not then only lar, got hafizah and my cliques. Thanks Girlfriends! So after training, bought sweetalk and double cheeseburger. Reached home, started to message Trevor. Guess what, i'm his god sister. LOLS! He also got cheer up one. Thanks BRO! So till here. Tomorrow need go ITE again. SIAN sia! Okayokay. TOODLES!
PS: To SOMEONE! You suck to the fucking core man! You embarassed us like nobodies business. Chi Bye! What you think you so big want to make us MALU isit. Pls lar, want to scold us bring us aside first. Don't anyhow buang one. You Fucking bitch!
Labels: bitch
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
At last, I get to update! Okay, What's Up people!So School was kindda okay for me. Just got back my Biology Test paper just now. My marks was acceptable and it excellent-18/20. Good huh. So next week there will be like a lot of test coming up. Still waiting for my POA test paper, I'm scared that i will fail. But if fail, what to do. Next test must try harder. JIAYOU! So tomorrow and thursday will be going to Ang Mo Kio ITE for some visit. So borrowed Trevor's crumpler. He quite good at least he lead me his. LOL! Oh ya, forget,i just cut my fringe. My cliques say i looks like a chinese girl. HAHAHA! Maybe indeed i look like one.^^.okok,got to go! BYE!
If you like that guy,just say it. Don't ignore your friend when she ask you something. Don't keep to yourself girl.
Labels: Cheena babe.