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your links go here, ♥Afifah Afif Gek hwee ♥Hafizah Ivy Melvin Zara Trevor Yuling Eugenechua Feng Yi Shahirah Jia li Hun ing Yan ru Elvis Olivia Yash Eddy Minwei Guan Quan Hun Ing ♥Serinna Shujun Hannah Benjamin ♥Azlin ♥Oneay Bingshu Mubin Yu Xiu ♥Wendy Yuhui(Ah Gong) ♥Syifa ♥♥♥Firdayana Alvin ♥Aryenti ♥Shahirah ♥Hazimah ♥Syahila ♥Farishia Justin ♥Farah deeee:D drumrolls
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Friday, October 31, 2008
Two more daysssss!:D:D:DHell-oo!:D Hmm. Yesterday was quite a frustrating day for me sia. That's why my post like dat. Sry!:( Today went for SS and POA class. See very guai right go school for extra lessons. Haha. Whatever! Andandand after that trained to Lot 1 to have lunch at LJS!:D Was on the same train with Eugene chua. Then got one time when the train stop i almost fell. Xia sway!:x Lucky no one saw. Haha.
Hmm. After that class 3/2 and 3/3 gather in front of GO. We all going to Red Cross home. The bus was super irritating and bumpy. I swear it was the worst bus can . But at least we all got transport good enough. Haha! Reached there and heard some noises. Super scared. Haish. Dunwan say luh. Saddening can:(
Sang some song to the people. Then got one time melvin was somehow staring at this old disabled lady. He keep stare but never say anything. Lols! Toot. Sry ah. haha. Serinna was SUPER HIGH!!! She sang all the songs and we followed. Haha. Then went back to school and off to MAC! Happy day! Haha. Okay two more days people! Better remeber! Haha. Kidding nia. Bleaahs!
Ps if no photo lazy put luh. If not lazy i go put hor. Haha!
Labels: Can i have this dance?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Whatever!:xAargh! Why can't they just understand me!? i'm not lying to them. I really went for meeting okay. It's all a last minute call back meeting! You say you called the school,and say the school say no meeting. Like super obvious can! Obviously they don't know cox it's not the teachers who wants to meet us it's the IC'S!!!!! Stupid! Say you go meet principle. GO luh! You want your child to be known as a liar right! Go ahead! I dun care! Cox i know i'm not a LIAR!!!! Get it! And i'm telling the truth. If i lie to ur, i will have gone to Orchard le. But i keep thinking about ur okay!As a parent, you should trust your own child. Aaaargh! I gaive up le! Super dissapointed. I watching movie also cannot concentrate cox i keep thinking about ur. Haish. Ur keep nagnagnag! Can die sia! I know ur love me but pls just give me some space to at least unwind myself. I know my this year results not that good but at least i tried my best. Not as if i never study like dat! Wa piang! What you guys expect. I know i super duper deproved a lot luh but i already try my best le mah. Ur go try study luh, see what kind of results ur can give. See if ur can score better than me. Sometimes i keep thinking what's the use of living if my parents dun trust their own child and keep thinking i'm lying! No point living okay. I keep thinking what if i end my life by jumping down the building. I know it's all useless but it will also improve my parents life. They have one less person to nag at. whatever! I give up! I know in school i look super hyper cox i'm just leeting my stress out. You guys dun know the other half of it. Hmm. Whatver!
Labels: Give up.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
four more days!:D:D:D:DHell-oo!:D Yesterday was a blast! Was out all day long. First meet up with Charlotte-tea downstairs and proceed to Mac with Serinna to have our breakfast cum lunch. Lols! Super hungry. Laugh like siao in Mac. Charlotte made me laugh okay. Haha. Hmm. Then went to school for CCAC and Sc camp meeting. Blablabla. Then say BYE to charlotte. Haha. Then went to serinna's house to change clothes cox going watch HSM3! haha. Yeah. But before that there was a fast NP meeting. Blablabla. Till 6.15. Chiong to causeway point. Si bei paiseh lei. Nid run. Haha. Cox scred later no seats. Heng ah. Still got seat when reach there. So there were 7 of us. Azlin,hazimah,hafizah,farishia,afifah,serinna and ME! Haha. Hmm. We were all like tourists can. Cam-whore whererever we went. Typical us luh. Haha! Hmm. HSM3 was awesome,sweet and funny! haha. I want go watch again but nahh. Obviously it will still be shown on TV later on. Haha. Okay enough of that. Reach home around 10 plus. Bleaah! So today nothing to do. Rotting at home but for the next few days:
Thursday-SS and POA lessons& Interview.
Friday-SS lesson& CIP[can't wait!] Haha.
Yeah. So then Sunday's gonna be my birthday! haha.
Okay. Toddles!
Labels: fourthreetwone.
Monday, October 27, 2008
6 more days!:D:D:DThat day is coming nearer,nearer,nearer,and nearer! Haha. Currently bored cox today's outing to Bugis was cancelled! STUPID! Haha.Hmm. Should i be sad or happy?? My day is coming but i'm afraid no one will remember. Sad case. Nevermind. Let see on the day it self . Hahs. Ohmygawd! I'm totally missing my classmates and my beloved friends! Proof: I dreamt of me not going to school on the last day of school.Totally freak out. Somehow scolded my mum for not waking me up. and then POOF!!! It was just a dream. Heng ah. Haha. See. I'm totally missing school and my friends. Aww! Nevermind. Next friday got CIP. Hope everyone will turn up huh. Well. Tomorrow going to watch HSM3! Cant wait. Lols. Oh ya, yesterday went to causeway at night. Bought a GREEN lanyard and _______. Haha. Hmm. Thought of buying green Teva flipflop but nahh. See how ah. Next time bah. Okay. That's all.

2NA classes. I'm missing them like crazy!:D
Labels: Missing Them.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Happy belated Birthday Trevor Lee!:DHell-oo!:D Axtually Trevor's bdae was on the 24th of october but then i forget to blog about it so yeah. Haha. Not that i forget just no time to update. Haha. Hmm. Been quite busy lately. Went shopping and yesterday mu aunty treat my whole family to a sumptious meal. Hmm. I nearly puke as there was like so many food on the table. Haha. Hmm. Saw melvin and company outside the restaurant. Haha. Shocked actually. Bleahh. So today went religious class like FINALLY! Haha. I always pon one. Cox super boring. Yeah. But okay luh. Get to learn somthing new. Lols. So later going to causeway with cousin. Actually this week i'm somehow fully booked. Monday might be going Bugis with cousin. Tuesday got class and maybe going watch HSM3. Wednesday maybe going swimming if on tuesday get to watch HSM3. So it's either Tuesday or Wednesday. Thursday going for interview for work. Friday got CIP at dun know where. Haha. See. I'm so gonna be extra busy. I want go shopping with my friends and family. It has been ages since i went to ________. Haha. Hmm. Been thinking where to go for class outing for 2/2 and3/2. Maybe__________. I dun know luh. Let the other's decide. Haha. Anywhere as long as we ger to enjoy. Haha. Hey. Anyone want to ask me out for shopping. Haha. Msg me aites. Lol. Oh ya. Totally forgot, my BIG DAY is coming. In 7 days im gonna be officially 15 years old. Haha. *hinting. Haha. Okay. Want go causeway le. Toodles!
Labels: Countdown. 7 days.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Results!:))Heyhey!(: I know it has been like only 4 days i didn't update. Super lazy luh. Ahhhhh! Today got back my results. So sucky. Well, I deprove super a lot can. Sadsad:( Hmm. So will work harder for next year bah. My parents will be super dissapointed with me sia. Hmm. Whatever it is, i know i did tried my best. Sry:(
Will chiong my studies for next year huh. Hmm. I gave Trevor a perfume for his birthday. Haha. Dunno what to buy oso. Haha. Anyway, today took award for best combine humanities student( History and Social Studies). haha. Super cooool! Haha. But si bei paiseh lei. Haha. Then after that my cliques decided to go to my house to watch movie. So went Lot1 to rent VCDs. Shutter and Bring it on. Okay. We were all like sisters. haha. Lying around like nobodies business. Haha. Love it man. And of cox, we cam-whore super a lot. Sadly, the photos are not with me. It's with afifah and serinna. Hmm. I'm so gonna miss my friends in school especially HIM. Haha. okay. Toodles!
Labels: Miss everyone.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Heyhey!:D I'm feeling super boringggggggg! Someone please entertain me. Haha. Kidding kidding. Hmm. Actually today got religious class but super lazy to go. So i pon lor. Yeah. Been surfing the net for cool stuff. And i found this super duper cool site for editing your photos. I think a lot of people know about this site a long time ago but you know me. Slow poke mah. Haha. Later put one of the niceeee photo. Haha. Hmm. Today is Alvin's Tan birthday, once my crush but no longer one. Haha. Hmm. So just wanna wish him a happy birthady and may goo bless you. Hmm. Someone's birthday is coming in about 5 more days. Hmm. Still dunno when to buy his presents. Super duper lazy. Haha. Maybe Thursday then go buy luh. Haha. Hmm. I think i got mixed feelings de. I hate this kind og feelings. Super duper irritating can. Hmm. Nevermind. HE is the only one who knows who i really love luh. Randommmmm! Haha. Nothing to post luh. Anyway, tomorrow is the day where all teacher's will sit down and decide what will our fate be like. Promote or Retain. Hope no one retain. But that is so impossible cox cher say maybe 17 people from my class is gonna retain. Such a sad case. Hais. Okay. That's all. Toodles!
Labels: Yes or no.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
CIP and Hiking(:HeyHey!(: Hmm. Yesterday nothing much in school except that i was wearing pink socks and mr chew talk to 3/1,3/2 and 3/3 about 'N' levels. AHHH! 2008 is gonna pass very soon and next year is so gonna be a very hectic and stressful year for all 2008 sec 3's. Hmm. Next year is one of the major exams and it will also determine whether i will be going Sec 5. I really hope that i can take my 'O's. I'm super duper scared! Help me. Lols! Hmm. I scared cannot go up to sec 5 sia. Pffft. Hmm. Have faith luh fydie. Confidence. Always think positive and believe in yourself okay. Hmm. So today went to Bukit Chandu for Hiking and Sembawang park for CIP. We really cam-whore a lot. Pictues go to afifah's or hafizah's blog. Haha. Hmm. I want go slip lei. Toodles!
Labels: Not a waste of time.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Bangs are LOVED!HeyHey:D So today school was such a bore. Really. I'm not kidding you. Might as well stay at home and Sleep like a pig. Haha. Hmm. Watch ghost movie. Some parts was totally freaking me out. All of us shouted okay. Haha. Funny. Lols! Hmm. Pass all subjct but fail MATHS! Bleaah. Hmm. I want to be in Top 10. Pray hard. Heard Melvin got TOP in class and level. Congrats de. Really envy him luh. Cox he is super smart can. But too bad . He deserve it de. Lols! Hmm. Nothing to blog about lei. By the way, went to cut my fringe and trimmed my hair. I cut bangs. Totally cooool. Outcome? Okaly luh. Haha. So tmr intending not to bring anything. Haha. Lazy luh. Okay. Stop here le.
Labels: Top 10.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Maths is DUMB! Heyhey!:D Really. Maths is freaking DUMB. Haha.
Hmm. Got back my Math paper first thing in the morning. Haha. Quite shock and unexpected when got back my paper. Totally sucks. I thought i was gonna fail by like 40plus marks but it turn out that i got 26/100. The number super nice. Haha. I'm so gonna get tuition for maths next year and CHIONG my DUMB maths. Haha. Hmm. Then got back my english paper. Okay luh. Still pass. But never reach my expectations. But if pass can le. Haha. After recess got back Humanities. Hmm. Yash got highest. Congrats huh. Think that someone jealous. Haha. You should know who. Not me ah. Haha. Hmm. Got 70 total. Okay luh. Deproved a little bit cos never really memorized the essay. Stupid me. After school. Ate in canteen then went home change to play volleyball and badminton downstairs with girlfriends.Play in rain. Shiok can. Haha. Then went home chat with chocolate. Haha. I meant Charlotte. Lols:D
Hmm. Morning went for assembly. Then off to Ngee Ann Poly for Business Tourism course with Putri,Olivia and Yash. We somehoe don't really know how to go there but still manage to get there in time. Smart huh. Haha. Blablabla. Then got one game where we all need to race. Stupid but fun. haha. I felled down from the trolley for 2 pathetic times. I fell down is not the normal falling kind lei ,Its the rolling type. Sia Sway! Haha.Hmm. Everyone know i super clumsy. I super super clumsy and blurr sotong can. Haha. Try talking to me and you will know. Haha. So 4 plus finish. Bus was super crowded. Took 184. Manage to get a sit with Yash. Then bused to Bukit panjang plaza , trained to Lot1 ane FINALLY time to eat. Haha. Zinger Burger. Yumyum. Haha. Nonsense. Haha. So now i'm home. Haha. But today got to know my POA. Unbelievable and unexpected. Haha. Manage to pass. Coooooool!:D Happy can. Thought gonna flunk my paper. Haha. But yeah. I studied for then like yeah. Imagine studying at Mac for 2 days and somemore till night. Haha. Boring lor. Okay. Post again tomorrow. Toodles!:D

To Trevor:
Sorry about that day. I really regret what i did.
I didn't meant to scold you. I was having bad mood then go scold you. SrySry. Freaking hated the way i treated you can. Hmm. I don't wish to quarrel with you again. Hmm. Hope you will forgive me. SrySrySrySry. Hmm. You will always be my cute korkor. :D Sry if sound a bit Mushy huh.
Love Fydie.
Labels: Sorry.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Jalan Raya with Cliques!:DHeyHey!:D Jalan raya was great especially when you're with your fellow cliques. Hmm. Ysd. ThinkingThinking. Oh ya. Haha. Went out around 10plus and meet up with Fizah at her bus stop. We were somehow late. Haha. Yeah. So went Jalan raya till 9 plus i think. The last house was Farishia's house. Her mum was freaking cool,funny and dan open-minded can. I love her man!:D Haha. So we sang along some songs while icha played her guiter. Yeah. So my dad fetch me and fizah,nisa,syifa and nurul along and send them home. Yeah. I can say this year jalan raya was much more better as in more laughter and crazyness. Yeah. Hmm. So ysd went to Pontiann to visit my father's aunties and Uncles. Like usual, when i go back to Kampong,i will always find for a bicycle and cycle around there. Haha. Somehow or whatever i feel as if i'm behaving like some tomboy cox all my cousin are boys so you should understand. But i think i'm much more girlish now. Yeah. Haha. Oh ya. During the Friday's jalan raye, i message Mr yew and i just pass my chem - 28.5. At least something. Woohoo. Quite happy already luh. Hope i can pass other subjects and get into top 10 enough le. Yeah. Haha. Okay. I want go lei. Maybe post the pictures some other days huh.
Labels: Phone confiscated.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Woohoo! Exam's fever is OUT! HeyHey! Exams are like finally over! Yeah. I'm lovin it man! Haha. So, History paper okay luh. Still can do. Hmm. Chemistry and Poa paper 1 was okay nia. Chemistry i still know how to do but POA paper1 sure die. Haha. Super difficult can. First thing i do when i open my paper i was like freaking shit i dun know hot to do. Haha. I kept looking around. Than when gonna be times up i shake my leg like siao like dat. Scary man. But i didn't manage to finish one pathetic question that i somehow know how to do luh. Damn it! Hmm. Then today took my POA paper 2. Okay luh. Still can balance but i dun really know how to do some question. STUPID! Haha. I really hope i can pass the paper lor. Pray hard. Haha. SO for the past 2 days heve been studying at Limbang Mac with darling( Feng Yi) and Trevor's group. Still can study luh. Wednesday study from 2 plus till 10plus. Shiok luh! Haha. But around 7 serinna and darling went off so i went sit with Hun ing and Zhiting beside Trevor they all. Then around 9 i think, they went off oso. So left me with Trevor's group. Hah. Asshole. Go bully me. So 10 plus i went off with them. Second day. Never stay for too long. 2 plus thill 8 plus nia. But study with darling and Trevor's group nia. Hmm. 7 plus Daring go home with wayne they all. So left me with trevor and Gabriel. Haha. I dun know why Mac so cold. Haha. I still feel damn cold even after wearing sweater lor. Haha. 8 plus my parents took me home. Haha. QUite okay luh study with them. Haha. Then today after finish paper straight away go Mac eat breakfast with cliques and Yash group. Then Yash group plan want go ride bike and play soccer at Limbang park. So went home then went out again at 11 plus i think. Lols! Then i ride bike more then play soccer. Then rain. Sway. Haha. Then cycle one round. Then saw trevor they all. Play soccer. Haha. Then decide want go cycle one round the go down the slope. Haha. I hate this part luh. While going down the slope, i lose my balance cox the slope damn slippery sia. Then Syafiqah behind oso fall cox when she want to turn just to avoid crashing into me she oso fall. Haha. Sry ah. Haha. Then my right leg bleeding. The blood keep dripping from my leg. Sway luh. Then now got one deep cut on my leg. Somemore got a lot of scratches. Haha. Damn pain. Then got lister. Woahh, i bad luck sia today. Haha. So tmr i'm so going jalan raye with my cliques! Haha. Can't wait. Haha. Okay, got to go now. Haha.
Toddles! I want to enjoy people! Haha.
Labels: Yeah.
Must have confidence:D
Monday, October 6, 2008
4 MORE PAPER!:D countdown people! HeyHey!:D 3 more papers to go people! Then can go ENJOY lei! Haha. Looking forward!*big grins. Hmm. So Just now took my Math paper 2 and Biology. Freaking awesome man today. Haha. I don't know why i say Paper 2 is much more easier. Maybe it's because i wasn't sleepy and sick. Haha. Freaking love the feeling when i know i can do the paper. Lols! Hmm. I really hope i can do well for paper 2 so maybe it can somehow pull up my marks for my maths paper. Yeah. Pray hard! Lols! Hmm. Biology, okay luh. Still can do it. I hope can pass enough lei. Haha. There's some secrets behind the biology papr. Haha. Okay whatever. So tomorrow is History paper. And guess what. I haven't even touch my History notes. See! Told you! I slacked lyke nobodies business siollxx. Wake up Fydie! Haha. Okay luh. I want go chiong and read up on my essays. Jia You people! Haha.
Labels: Faith.
Sleepy Head.
Friday, October 3, 2008
5 more papers:D Jiayou!Ohmygawd! 5 more papers to go people. Must chiong huh. So just now took my math paper 1. Okay luh. But difficult. Hmm. I pro lor. When i read the first question, i sleep lei. Than wake up. Than sleep again. In the end, around 8 plus i concentrate. I think sweets doesn't help to keep me awake. But i will still eat sweet during exams to try to keep my eyes open. Haha. I really hope i can pass luh. Help me! Haha. But like a saying "What is done cannot be undone". Pray hard. Somemore i was having flu then never eat medicine. Buay tahan lor. Lols! So next monday will be Biology and Maths paper 2. I think tomorrow then study luh. I still need to de-stress myself lei. Can go crazy lor if everyday studystudystudy. Haha! Hmm. I really hope i can pass all subjects. Must pray hard and still need to put in extra effort. But this year damn stress cox it's like exams falls on the Hari Raya Eve. Then it's like no time study cox need to go visit people house. So troublesome. But happy cox got green packets. Btw, first day of raya, collected around 200 plus. Cool! Lols! My Ah ma gave me $50. My dad $35. Mu mum $10 then my uncles and aunties gave $10 to $20 bucks. Haha. Yeah. I want to go shopping after exams at _________.(enter word). Haha. Okay, stop here lei. I think , think only arh, want go study BIOLOGY! Jiayou Fydie.
Labels: Stupidity got out of me.