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your links go here, ♥Afifah Afif Gek hwee ♥Hafizah Ivy Melvin Zara Trevor Yuling Eugenechua Feng Yi Shahirah Jia li Hun ing Yan ru Elvis Olivia Yash Eddy Minwei Guan Quan Hun Ing ♥Serinna Shujun Hannah Benjamin ♥Azlin ♥Oneay Bingshu Mubin Yu Xiu ♥Wendy Yuhui(Ah Gong) ♥Syifa ♥♥♥Firdayana Alvin ♥Aryenti ♥Shahirah ♥Hazimah ♥Syahila ♥Farishia Justin ♥Farah deeee:D drumrolls
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Motivated Enough.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Motivational course has ended like two days ago. The second day was fun. I learned a lot of new stuff. Hmm,i'm a right-brained and a KINESTATIC. That explains my way of studying and why i cannot sit still. I'm super hyper. Lol. I need music when i study. Or else i will be bored to death. Haha.During the one hour lunch break, me and afifah sneaked out to Yew Tee and buy Hafizah's and Farishia's birthday cake. It was super rushing. But at least the surprise turn out well.
Yesterday was normal school day for 4NA students. I rather sit in the aircon room and listen to the talk lor. Heard that express cried after hearing their coach's story or whatever thingy. I want to listen and cry too. Lol. Nevermind. Next year bah. He also got cry. Not surprise but others were. Okay. Whatever.
Training was kinda sucky because there were only 5 sergeants. Ohmygod. And the Sec2s drills are like (insert your own word). Really lor. Can go bang wall manzzzzxxxxxx! Ohyaaaa, everytime i shout sure got chao sia one. Xia sway. LaughoutLoud. Hahaha! Whatever. Help is coming really soon. Yeah. Mr Daniel Teo rocks. Haha. Hmm, Serinna was the PC. Good Job! She veryyyyy cute can. Hahaha! Ohyaaa, got a new name for her, Obese Hippotamus. Lol. Far-knee-.-
Okay. Later maybe going out. Begging my mother to go Bugis w/o dad. Haha. Andandand i'm motivated to study hard-er. And change my sleeping hours and my study time. Lol.
Melvin is back from Malaysia. Lol. I miss him. Haha And his BIG eyes. Lol.
Okay. Enough. He is just a FRIEND yo. So stop asking questions. FULLSTOP.
Labels: You are a tough guy.
Just Dance(:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Back from the 10hour motivation course in school.
Omg! I was super duper sleepy during the talk lor.
But thanks to the crapyness from both class, I manage to pull through and stay awake all the time:D:D
Haha. I slept at 3.30am yesterday.
Just can't get to sleep because somehow i was thinking about someone.
I really miss him. Hais.
Hmm, but i love when it comes to games. At least can keep me awake((:
Tomorrow, exactly when 12 midnight strikes someone gonna be older.
Haha. Well, here's the wish,

Hey! Happy Advace 16th Birthday HafizahAley! 16 years old liao le. So 'Old'. Haha! Kidding! Hope you enjoy your day tomorrow aites.
xoxo fydie(:
Well, the reason i wished her earlier was because i was afraid tomorrow i won't be able to post. So yeah. Early birthday wish bah.
Okay. My eyes are so heavy that i can just drop dead while typing. Haha.
Yeah right. Whatever. I'm so gonna sleep early today.
So yeah.
Wait, i got a dream,
My dream is to become an Accountant or bussinesswomen and also a national sprinter.
Thankyou(: Lols.
Back from the 10hour motivation course in school.
Omg! I was super duper sleepy during the talk lor.
But thanks to the crapyness from both class, I manage to pull through and stay awake all the time:D:D
Haha. I slept at 3.30am yesterday.
Just can't get to sleep because somehow i was thinking about someone.
I really miss him. Hais.
Hmm, but i love when it comes to games. At least can keep me awake((:
Tomorrow, exactly when 12 midnight strikes someone gonna be older.
Haha. Well, here's the wish,
Hey! Happy Advace 16th Birthday HafizahAley! 16 years old liao le. So 'Old'. Haha! Kidding! Hope you enjoy your day tomorrow aites.
xoxo fydie(:
Well, the reason i wished her earlier was because i was afraid tomorrow i won't be able to post. So yeah. Early birthday wish bah.
Okay. My eyes are so heavy that i can just drop dead while typing. Haha.
Yeah right. Whatever. I'm so gonna sleep early today.
So yeah.
Wait, i got a dream,
My dream is to become an Accountant or bussinesswomen and also a national sprinter.
Thankyou(: Lols.
Labels: I'm just a little not over you.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Wasting time(:Helloooo!:D
Hmm, been wasting my time rotting at home when i can go and do my homework or study for my test.
This prolly shows how LAZY am i.
Hmm, nothing to talk about lei.
Going change my blogskin yo.
With the help of HafizahAley.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy NewYear !!!Hellooo!:D Happy Chinese New Year to all my Chinese friends!
Well, been rotting at home since yesterday. Sianed.
Yesterday woke up at 3pm. PIG!
Haha. Dunno why so tired. Ohyaaaa, cox midnight that time i go study.
Yesterday night oso study and do half my homework till 2am.
Then today woke up at 2pm. Gotta improve on my sleeping hours and the time i wake up.
Hmm, actually today wanted to go out and study,
but since none of my friends is free so yeah, rot at home lor.
Was upset when got to know something. Won't elaborate here.
I got nothing to post about. Anyway,
I'm proud of myself as i did my malay essay by myself.
I didn't asked anyone for ideas. Good job firdiana!
Okay luh. Sine i got nothing to post about. I go sing.(Don't laugh!)
Labels: Cox i'm looking at your picture, cox that's all i've got.
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just came back from Lot 1.
Saw Trevor. Happy(: Haha! Hmm, returned the hooror movie and ate dinner.
I realised sweet and sour chicken rice with egg is quite nice at Lo1 Food Culture. Haha.
And the price is rather reasonable,$4.50 cox is delicious!
Lol. Well, my mood is somehow or rather becoming okay. This is due to my girlfriends laughter that made me laugh along with them. HAHA!
Ohyaaaa, i just don't understand why someone,YES, i said someone, is always lazy when it comes to hanging around with her girlfriends. Got to know that you went library to look at guys. Wtf. Okay whatever. I don't want to interfere.
Monday and tuesday is a holiday for everyone but i will be studying. Anyone wants to study?
Anything just text me or tag me okay.
Anyone just anyone will do. Thankyou(:
Andandand SOMEONE's birthday is near the corner. Haha!
Labels: Thankyou(:
Friday, January 23, 2009
Helloooo!:D Yeserday CNY celebration was okay. Not much but i like when the part when the teachers sang. Mr Daniel Teo voice was superb. I didn't know Mrs Chua can play the piano and sing^^Andandand Mr Chia was super cute lor. Haha. At least he got the courage to go up stage sing:D Then after celebration, decided to watch movie at my house. Borrowed Wild Girls and Exorcism of Emily. Wild girls was oh well GREAT! I like the show! Hmm, horror movie was a waste. It was super boring cox the story was slow and quite boring, but got some parts that made us shout. Haha. Didn't really watched the movie as me,afifah and serinna was busy camwhoring with Fizah's phone while fizah slept a while. Haha. Great time wih them. I think i laugh quite a lot yesterday. Lol. School was quite fun plus hectic. I have been having the urge to play soccer and besketball. Hais. Dunno why. Oh yaaa, thursday no AEP so we slack at 4/3. sang Fall for you. So fun. Haha. Andmy beloved girlfriends composed a song for TLYH. Aiyoyoyo. And they did something that really made me paiseh. Hahahahaha! Okay. Shud up. I'm so bored at home. And next week is kinda free week for Sec4 and 5.
Monday & Tuesday= Holiday
Wednesday-Friday=Workshop. 8am-6pm.
But NA will only be from wednesday till thursday. Lucky.
Oh else will die from boredom. Haha.
Will blog more real soon.
Labels: Cox i know how i feel about you now.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
PMS!)':Helloooooo!:D Today was POA test. Can do luh. Cox the night before studied till 1am. Then Just now during Math lesson wasn't paying attention to Ms Chua teaching as me and yash was studying for POA. Haha. Scared cannot do the test mah. So yeah, just study again=.= Today early morning kena school le. Came to school around 7:20am.was suppose to be at gathe doing duty by 7:15. Meaning i was late then kena scold by Mdm Rashidah. And i have to be in school by 7:00am sharp in front of General Office tomorrow. Asshole luh. Whatever. I think she's being biased. Hais. Well, today my mood was okay luh:D After school, Biology AEP. Played while waiting for Mrs Kumar to come. Haha! We keep jumping from the staircase that side. Haha!XD Veryyyyy childish lor. Hmm, then went Lot 1 with Huiling and Patricia. They bought for me my birthday present. Thanks! Then eat and shop. Reached home around 6++. Slept till 9pm sia. Then watched chinese show. So meaning until now i haven't do homework and study. Later then do luh. So boring:D Oh yaaaa, thanks Charlotte for lending me your crumpler bag for 3 days:D
I got a PIMPLE on my forehead. Damn it! Haha. OKay. Shut up. It's part of growing de:)
Okay. Got to go le.
Do homework and study-.-
Oh yaaa, Good job Hannah Lai Yi Ling on the speech:D:D
Labels: Boy, i want to have a good talk with you.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Helloooooo!:D Feeling rather tired. Yesterday whole day went out to swimming and at night went to play basketball. Tired seyy. Haha. Trying to exercise mah(: Hmm. Today school was quite okay luh. Borrowed Charlotte's crumpler bag(: Thanks ah. Didn't eat during recess cox if SC duty. Hungryyy okay.After school,chiong go canteen and eat chicken chop. Wanted to buy another plate but due to time constraint,i wasn't able to eat another plate. Sadded! AEP for maths today,quite okay. Can still di the assignment teacher gave us. After AEP, went library with cliques. But i decided to go study on my own at the canteen. My life is booooringgg! Well,later going study. Poa test this Wednesday. Sian luh. Okay. Gonna watch chinese show.
Labels: I miss you TLYH:"(
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Hey! Two weeks of school just pass. Everyday just seems the same. Go to school
End of school
Slack for awhile
Go home
Watch chinese show
Study till 1 or 2am.
And the same routine continues...
Hais. I'm getting tired day by day. Just have to bear with it bah. I have to focus on my studies. I'm feeling rather moody for the past few days because of someone/something. That something is that i have been having stomach discomfort. My stomach really hurts. Hais. Actually i have SC meeting in the morning,but due to my stomach discomfort i wasn't able to go. Sian. Andandand that i'm pissed off by someone. Fyi, it's the guy i like. Not M. And all this explains my moodyness.
To him:
I know i'm being a big nuisance in your eyes.
And i'm verryyyy irrritating.
Eventhough you told me to stop assuming things.
Yes,i refrained myself from messaging you.
It really hurts not messaging someone you like for days.
But no point if i message you,
Because you won't reply.
I know i'm being a big loser.
But can't you just reply me back.
I dony know if you are able to read all this
but really hope you will,
cox i just want to let you know that,
I reallyreally like you,TLYH.
Labels: Just so you know.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Have been busy with school and AEP. Dunno why. Each lesson just felt so bored. Always will fall asleep once in awhile. Hais. Today did the sharing thingy. Mygod! My leg was trembling. I wasn't scared just nervous:D:D But i gathered all my courage and DID IT! Haha. Good job Fydie! Weet-u-weet! Hmm just somehow or rather got scolded by Mdm Asmidah as was caught going toilet before her lesson. Lols. Like almost everyone from the class went to toilet lor,actually cannot ah. Haha.
Mdm AsmidahBing shu
Firdiana! SC somemore. Why you still go toilet?!
Ey auntie! PLs luh. Student Counciller lei.
She give us permission to go toilet one lei cher.
Whatever luh. All the way i just kept quiet. Paiseh already mah. Hais. Should change myself bah. Bing shu make me more pai seh lor. Haha! Okay. I want fo study le. See i verrryyy guai. BHB! Haha.
Labels: Where have you been.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I'm not verryy happy today:(Beacause of some stupid reasons. Hais. Whatever. And i should stop thinking that everyone or YH is angry with me. Aiyoyoyo. I'm thinking negatively againnn!:( During and after recess was having bad mood. Dunno why. Maybe because i'm thinking too much bah. Suan le. Hmm. Just now passed YH the magazine that i say got someone look so damn alike like him-.- But really the face almost alike. Haha! Hmm. AEP for maths today just sucks. I only know how to do a little bit. Really have to start studying le:((( Jiayou Fydie!:D O levels results was released this afternoon. Quite scary sia. Okay. Whatever. Just have to study hard!:D:D:D Finished reading my Chinese Cinderella Book(: Haha! Quite a sad story.
Chinese Cinderella!:D:D:D This story is somehow similar to my Chinese Ah ma.
Labels: Jiaobin-.-
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Hey! I know my blog is all verrryyy wordy so ya i decided to put photos. My friends said this photo doesn't look like me and some said i look like a chinese girl. Haha! Whatever. Just tag me if you got any comment. Lololol. Just now went to play badminton with my Aunty and cousin. Quite okay luh. Second time following them go play badminton. Hmm,tmr start of AEP le. Ohmygod manzxxx! Nevermind. Just have to bear with it. I guess i don't really need to worry about anything right now just that i have to concentrate on my studies nia.:D:D:D Ohyaaa, for the past two days,i didn't even touch my school books. Hais. Really have to buck up luh. Trying to motivates myself.LOls!
Andandand Wednesday is getting nearer and nearer! Ohmygod. Haha. You all will find out soon why i'm so nervous:D:D
Labels: IMY:(
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Hello wello! Yesterday school was quite boring. Slept awhile during SS then mdm Khamilia asked if i okay a not. I'm not sick or what just that i didn't quite sleep well the day before as i was worrying about CCA Open house. OKay after school rushed home and went to school. Skip this part. So got ready for OUR preformance. Super freaking nervous. Cried 3 times before the performance. Dunno why. I'm just super duper nervous. Thanks U06 and the others who conforted me before the performance. Tried my best blowing the whistle. Thank go nothing really happen when i was blowing my whistle. Just that i laughed a little bit. Haha! Overall,OUR performance was great eventhough there was some mistakes here and there. Still everyone put their best effort. Thanks EVERYONE!:D:D Love you people(L)(L)(L)(L) After CCA open house,got some'lecture' from her. Whatever. I don't want to think about that le. Then rush off to Changi with parents as we got BBQ. A lot of my family members came down. Okay. I spent most of my time eating and playing soccer. Yes! I was like a boy. All the girls was like sitting one corner and me, playing soccer.
And there was one super duper cute guy. Dunno his name ah. BUt talk to him. Okay whatever. I will only like one guy nia. Not Melvin ah:D Haha. Someone:D
Today, whole day went swimming. I'm getting tanner/darker. Haha! OKay. NId go and do hwk le.
Nights people! :D:D:D
Ohya, yesterday was my parents anniversary! So
Happy 16 Anniversary! I love you guys. Stay long and loving always.
Labels: I will wait for you like how i waited for him.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Ohmygod! I want cry! I can't take the stress no more. It's like giving a total setback. Tomorrow is CCA Open House. I somehow got no confident and i scared later my whistle got problem. Damn it. *God help me. I reallyreally need your help tmr.:(((( School is rather okay. Just that i tend to get sleepy durong lessons and slept. Ohmygod,it's just how many days of school and i'm starting to sleep le. Die manzx! Got to wake up le. No more sleeping. Haha. Well,today went Ngee Ann Poly. I want to take maybe Accountacy or business studies bah. And i want DRAGON BOAT for my CCA. Super cool can. Really. It's like WOW! Haha. Okay. Hope tomorrow will be a fine day for all of us. I need to control my laughter tomorrow. Hope the timing is gonna be okay. Seriously. Or we are so dead. Hais. Need to swallo all my saliva before blowing the whistle. Lols.
Ohya, took my height and weight on Monday. Guess what. I gained like maybe 5kg after the holidays! Expected. Cox i ate tons of food:D All my money is wasted on food. Mrs Kumar oso said i gain weight but STILL i look skinny. I'm a skinny betch. That's what serinna call me. Haha. And i called her Obese betch. Haha. Whatever. My height was 166. Lols. People kept saying i tall. Last time i shorter than Hafizah. But now,LOL! Okay. Stop it.
Labels: Stop crying.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
First day of schoolYoyoyo! Yesterday was first day of school. Quite boring but at least i get to go to school and meet my friends. I'm sitting beside Kabil. And at the other side of me was Eddy. In front was Gq at the back forget le. Haha. Surrounded by guys. Cool. They quite noisy but smart in some ways(:(:(: Then training! Hope efverything goes fine on Wednesday which is our last training. Sry i can't help you guys for remixing the song at MacD yesterday. As you can see, my dad has been waiting for me at the school carpark,kinda shock actually. Ya so cannot help you guys. Sorry:( Hais.
Okay. I really nid to take a bath.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!:D:D:DYoyoyo!:D Haha. It's a brand New Year today. 2009 is hear baby! Haha. OKay whatever Fydie. Was out the whole day yesterday from 8am++ till 1am++. Haha. In the morning got traing. Then around 1pm like dat U06 babes went to take our unit t-shirt. Like ohmygod,Finally can.Lols.
For once i felt like a maid. Haha. After we got our shirt, all of us chiong to the nearest toilet and decided to changed to our Fancy shirt. Then went out of the toilet, people were staring at us like we were some alien-.- Verrrryyy xia sway already. Then got one printing agency got the same coloured shirt as us,somemore we walk pass their shop felt as if we were part of them lor. Hahas!Then we bus-ed down to Jurong east interchange. Something really funny+pai seh happened to the blue girls. Haha. Shall not elaborate more. Go to Serinna's blog and readxD Hmm then around 4 plus my aunt fetch me and drive to Changi. Got some picnic. My parents at home so i just tag along with my aunt;\'s family. Play soccer,ride bicycle and bbqued till 12am. Then pack up and went home. Wanted to wish people but too bad my phone no battery le. So have to wait till i reach home.
Reached home,charged my phone and send all the wishes. Haha. Bathe and was almost dozing off to sleep when peple msg me. Aiyoyoyo. But nevermind. Haha.
Okay. Today i don't know whether want buy my bottle or not at Queensway shopping centre. Verrryyy lazy. Whatever.
Tomorrow going school already. I like! Haha. Can't wait. See you guys tomorrow okays.
Labels: (L)(L)(L)