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Gone Overboard.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
You guys really have gone overboard. Especially YOU!Why is it call PT,Physical Training in the first place,if you all keep complaining.
Really irritating okay. Never listen to instructions. Talk like supermarket like that.
During briefing, really very dulan with Sec2s. Sec3s not bad. But Sec2s really very gui lan sia.
Dare to talk back somemore. Say what mother. Why? What's up with our mother?
Please la, don't involve our parents in such thing yaww. Super lame la.
Then i scold you,you cry. What for cry. Dare talk back to us then CRY! Wtf.
Yesterday really du lan with juniors la. Suan le,suan le. I dunwan say le:(
Today,went for Sc meeting. Sianed. Met Hannah at Mrt station,then went school.
Two more weeks to stepping down. Yeah!:) Hannah and Amirah 4/7 also verrry happy:) Hahha!
Hmm, after that slcked at MacD with Hannah,Ely,Amirah,Irwan,Hafiz,Zaki and Sufia.
Ely and me was bitching about someone already. Hahaha! Loser lei that someone.
Then all of them left,except Ely and me.
Thanks Ely for the songs that you sang to me. Her voice very nice to listen to:)
Went home around 1plus.
Reached home and fell asleep till 4plus.
Then Mum wante to go out.
Went Lot1.
Ate a lot. The Prata sausage verryy delicious.
Saw a lot of Unitians. Including Melvin and co.
Ate at Jelapano Pepper Express. Not so niceee.
Saw Nadhirah and family. Lols.
Madjack better(: Hahha!
Hmm,then went home.
Maybe later go memorize one history essay(:
Tomorrow going Limbang MacD with Charlotte study.
Need chiong memorize my essays le. JY!:D
Labels: Thinking of you.
One more.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Helloooo(:FINALLY, left with one more test,History,next Tuesday.
So gonna mug reaaaal hard during the weekends. Need to memorize three essays lei! JY(:
Ohyaaa,Happy Birthday Melvin!(: Stay cute!(:
Lol. Today took Math test. Pheewww! It's actually easy, ut i made it complicated as i was freaking myself out. Haha! First question i scold vulgarities already cox i dun really know how to do. Haha. But in the end almost all the questions i think i got the correct answers. Yeah! I hope i can pass:):):)
I think POA i can get full marks le(: Ai sey! So confident!:D:D:D
So far,i passed my bio and Chem(: I want to pass all my subjects yaw! I hope can. Pray hard(:
Today, after school, went to play soccer with Olivia(:,Yash(:, Icha(:,Afifah(:, Putri,Syafiqah and Anusha. No AEP so we played till 4 then they all went home left Yash,Olivia and me. Talked till 4.30. Then Yash went home. Me and Olivia went play basketball then slack till 6. Slacker. Hahaha!
Ohyaaa,I want join Singapore Idol. Olivia heard me sing, she say "Not bad!" Hahah! Got chance le(:
OKay,i want go slack le.
Labels: My feeling for you is fading away.
Test Week.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
There is gonna be a lot of test next week.
Monday-No test(:
Tuesday-Malay Peribahasa&Biology
Yeah,looks like i'm gonna be busy mugging for this weeks test.
I want to score well for this time round. I'm gonna study reaaaal hard for my math.
I MUST pass my math.Hahah^^
Hmm,i realised that my hair has grown longer. LOL:) And i love it to a certain extent because i tend to get hot when i let my hair down. But nevermind, cox of Prom Nite i decided to have a long hair. Maybe going to rebond it. Maybe.
I just realised that i like to take photographs not of myself but of other stuff.
So i was thinking of becoming a photographer maybe a part-time one will do cox i also want to be an Accountant or Bussinesswomen. Lol.
I have BIG dreams yaw. So i have to achive it:)
Labels: Runaway.
Friday, February 20, 2009
I got a pimple beside my nose. And all my friends was soooo happy about it-.-Lol. They say i'm going to mature. Whathehell!!:D
I hate pimple yo. And this one 's reaaaal pain. Ain't kidding you. Hahaha!
And i'm addicted to Taylor Swift-Our Song. Lol.
Something happen one day during morning duty.
Accompanied Hannah. One conversation that was totally funny to us. Lol.
Fydie: You got hear my ringtone?
Hannah: Never. What song?
Fydie: Our song.
Hannah: What song?
Fydie: OUR SONG!
Hannah: huh. WHAT SONG?
Fydie: Our song by Taylor swift,your previous blog song. Hahahahahaha!
Hannah: OHHHHH!! I thought what you say OUR SONG!(Meaning she thought mine and her song)
Lol lor. Was laughing like siao. And Amirah told me about how HE used to walk during Sec2. Like Gorilla-.- Hahha!
Labels: Obviously.
Reflect dude.
Helloooo!(:Just came back from training and MacD. Having stomachache due to the McSpicy i ate. Too spicy:(
Lol. Hmm, i can't really remember what has been happening for the last few days because i'm lazy to remember.
Nowadays, always go to school quite late. So fun.
Why i say fun was because i get to see HIM as he walk the same way as me(:
I know,you know:)
Actually, i almost late la. But i run from the MRT to the school gate,so got to school in time(:
Tuesday went to Army Museum and Singapore Discovery Center.
I like the theater at Army Museum because of its effect. Super cool^^
Next week a lot of test coming up. Ohyaaa, i begin to love POA and Math.
Lol:) That is super random. Lol.
So going to study over the weekend(:
Just now during CE lesson, Mdm Khamilia showed us some funny videos like American Idol,Soccer etc. Lol. I laugh until my tears came out lor^^
Haha! Then training the Sec 1 was fun! Got one guy look like BingShu(:
Cute sia:p Hahah!
Okay, now i'm going to bloghop. So ya. Bye(:
To someone(Not him ah):
Who are you to call my friend a despo and cheap?
Hey,from what i know you are the one who is the despo.
And in the first place did she ask you to wait for her?
Ohmygod maxzxzxz, you said she wasted your time.
So lame can. I realllyyyy HATE this kind of guy.
Such a despo jerk! Read that:)
Labels: I hope you will agree.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Will post reeeeaaaal soooooon!:D:DLabels: Stay tune.
Lazy Bum.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Hey(;I should be doing my homework by now and also polishing my boots.
I'm feeling so lazy right now.
My friend say got composition for Malay and POA hwk.
Shit man. Lol.
Later go chiong my homework bah.
Hmm, didn't really go anywhere this weekend, boring.
Saturday i woke up at 5pm lei, super pig.
Then today woke up at 2pm.
At least earlier. Lol.
Should improve on my waking up time(:
Okay. Nothing to post about.
Ohyaaa, yesterday V Day.
Wei Xiang jio me go out, but i decline. Too bad(!)
Hmm,okay, need do homework and polish my boots le.
Tml need wake up early for Total Defence day,
i hope the food rationing will be niceeee:D
Labels: happy?, I will treat you like a brother
Wear out.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Hey(: Been busy with school etc. Super tired-.-Hmm, i will try my veryyy best to remember what i could okay.
Wednesday no AEP for biology cox teacher never come,the best thing is that she didn't tell anyone that she is not attending school-.-
And 4/2 waited for her for like 30mins. Like some toot.
Betch. No offence yaw!
Hmm, the thursday after Poa AEP went to play basketball with Hun ing they all(:
I admit that i can play basketball quite okay la:)
Then today got training and it's also Farishai's birthday,so,
Happy Birthday Farishai!:D Keep rocking on and persevere in your studies(:
And pls do stay retard:) Haha!
Then training, okay la. No comment. But Sec1's quite cute. Lol.
And i'm so happy to see Mr Danied Teo training the Sec2's. Haha!
In 30mins time, it's going to be the official Valentine's Day yaw! No comment. Lol.
Whatever. Thanks people for the gifts etc, Hannah,Charlotte,HongYi, Gq,Sergio,Wendy and Anusha(:
Appreciate it lots!:D
Ohyaa, i'm not really happy with my results:
Social Studies-15/25
The rest dunno yet. But i'm quite satisfied with my Chemistry(:
Lol. Thank god.
Labels: Lost and insecure.
Seems wrong.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Eveything seems so wrong. Academic results is slipping away.
Some friends are just too unreasonable.
Shoo me away like i'm some kind of stanger.
I feel verrryyy sad and at the same time angry.
But i just couldn't tell someone my real feeling.
It's all a mixture of feelings.
Yes, i always get bullied and critisized.
Sometimes i felt, am i being too sensitive or are they just being too rude to me.
Everyone got their own problem.
And this is major problem.
Maybe i should just ignore them?
Yes,maybe i should.
And thanks to someone who wasn't being helpful to me today.
Thanks alot!:(
Labels: I must BUCK UP:(
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Finally, done with all the test. Was soooooo relieved after the last test just ended.
Mother tougue was okay,chemistry was kinde easy accept that i somehow screwed up the last question. But nevermind. Mr Yew said i did WELL for the test, and i want to see how WELL is the WELL. Lol(:
Social studies was oh-well-great, still manage to do and remembered. All my memorizing till 1:30am was somehow paid off and math was horrible. Really. No time to study but just got the time to look through. Hais. I hope i can just pass,enough.
Today went out with family and cousins. Went to Marina Barrage. Second time going there. Took pictures that i won't be uploading it. So unglam. Haha!
Ohyaaaaa! Friday was games day for Npcc. Played with mud,water and flour. So fun can! Me and Ridhwan was the IC for obstacle course at the field. So we get to get wet and muddy. Looking at the cadets having to roll on the mud was totally disgusting but at the same time fun. Haha. So Serinna and me tried to sit at the patch of mud. It was A-okay. Lol(:
Labels: I say "Where have you been?"
Test Week:(
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hellooo(:Pardon me for not updating for a long time ah. Been busy with school and such.
Actually, i shouldn't even be using the computer because i haven even study for my Chemistry and Mother Tougue test tomorrow. So maybe by 10:30pm SHARP i nedd to off the computer.
So now i'm left with 12mins(!) OKay. Faster type. Lol=.=
Hmm, this week veryveryveryvery busy with test.
Yesterday was biology test,Today was english,tomorrow got Mother Tougue and Chemistry,then on Friday got Social studies test and Math. See, this week veryveryvery packed. Hais. Okay. 9mins more.
Hmm, this friday will be Npcc games day. I hope i will have fun on that day. Lol.
Tomorrow go buy the stuff.
Okay luh. I nid go le:(
Study for Chemistry and Malay:( Sheeesh. I hate malay. Suckkkyy:(
Okay. Toddles!:D
Labels: I dread malay lessons:(