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Saturday, May 30, 2009
Yesterday PTC was sucky. Everything was revealed. Sian.Both Mdm Asmidah and Mdm Khamilia told my parents that i have been sleeping in class.
Tsktsk. Sad case. Kena nagged otw to dinner.
"Your words is still lingering in my head, it's like a broken record which keep on repeating itself, but for one thing i know, it will stay with me forever"
"I held back my tears while talking, but i already promised myself not to cry, because no point crying over something that is already done."
"No more procrastinating,must buck up and start revising now."
"Don't ever give up till you've got nothing left"
This are what i keep saying in my heart and what others keep telling me. Hais. Mdm Asmidah was dissapointed with me because i was one of her dinstinction student yet this is what i give her. Even Mdm khamilia. Sian la. Must study triple hard during June holidays already. And my dad say no more study group for me because my attitude change and my lifestyle is different. I agree with him, my results was like shit manxzxzxzxz when i go out and study. Okay, mayybe i should turn into a nerd and start studying alone(: Good luck to me!:D
The thing is i should start working hard already. Gambateh Fydie(:
Ohyaaaa, i just won myself eminem's album. Yay me! LOL. I randomly called 98.7fm and answered the question:D LOL. I wasn't even a fan of Eminem. Haha. But then, my friend ask me whether i could sell the Cd to him, hmm, see how bah. LOL! And i called Icha when i got to know i won. And we were laughing our ass off XD
Eventhough holidays is here, we still have to go school for lessons and i'm gonna make full use of it. And there will be Math hot-housing too. Gonna do lots and lots of practice. Hmm, monday got dry shooting then wednesday is the actual one. Hope can win for our unit!:D
K la, bye!:D Sry no photos. Dunno why cannot upload. Stupid:/
Labels: Too playful already.
No boundaries.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Helloooo! I dunno why nowadays very shag, everyday come back, bathe, then will comfirm sleep. Hais:/
Okay whatever.
Ohyaaaa, yesterday i didn't got the time to blog BUT as you can see there is a post for yesterday right? Magic huh?XD LOL. Kidding:/ It's cox someone go update for me(: Thanks. But got some parts that someone makes me feel as if i BHB like dat. The rollerskating part. Haha. I wasn't a pro in rollerskating hor, really ah you XD Rofl.
Yesterday was great. Felled down for i think two times nia while rollerblading(: Woohooo! At last, i learn how to rollerskate properly. And the guy who attended to us was, well, kind and nice. Lol. Can say he quite cool. Even Icha thought so:D Then blablabla. Go back school, ate, and played catching. Kena cramp again, stupid. Irritatin man:/ Always kena at the same spot, behind DnT block. Suay sia. Then continued playing. Wahhh, the Dinesh like cockroach sia. Ha damn fast then can like squeeze through anything like dat. Before that, he was lying on the floor in the last class of level 4, saw him, but didn't managed to catch him AGAIN, cox he was pushing all the table's and chairs to me. Lol. Hmm, gave up, so went to play basketball. Afifah was 'angry' with me cox i keep scoring. LOL. Really had fun with them(: Hope everyday was like that:D
Supposedly, today four of us got dry practice for shooting but we all freaking lazy to go. So see whether still want go on neaxt Monday one a not ah:( Andandand today, only 16 people came. LOL. Pathetic huh:/ But fun cox Mdm Asmidah and Mdm Khamilia brought all 16 of us to Yew Tee during school hours to buy the Carnival stuff and also our breakfast. Yeah, we made people jealous, i think:/ Hahah!
Ohyaaaa hor! Tml PTC. Scary:/ I need to meet Mr Tan Kee Seng sia. And he is gonna talk about my reasults deproving to both Mum and dad. Die:/ Aaaaargh! Just hope everthing goes well tml.
Scary maxzxzxzxz!:(
K la, got go le. Goodnight!:D
Labels: Cries.
Class Outing
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Our class went to ECP today.At there, we settled down and then play captain's ball.
Then afterward, we rent rollerblade.
Skate all the way to 7-11 then skate-skate-skate
until 12 plus.
Finally, I'm became a pro in rollerblading.
Afterwards, went to eat at Burger King.
Then went back to play catching with my classmates.
Then super suay.
When i chasing after Dinesh, my muscle cramp!
This is not the first time luh..
Luckily is only left leg. Not both legs.
Then i rest for a while then continue to play basketball.
Then finally HOME-SWEET-HOME. (:
Shall update more tomorrow. (:
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I don't like to see you this way.It makes me sad.
Eventhough you're just a friend.
You're indeed a special friend.
I trust you,
from the way you message me, it's not the same anymore.
You never said "bye" to me in any of your messages before,
and today you did,
I was shocked and at the same time sad.
I don't know why.
Or maybe i was just jumping into conclusion.
You can say you are smiling, but i know deep inside you are missing someone.
I will never know what you are thinking,
so all i can do is ask you question.
Cheer up kays?
Labels: Knock you down.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Despite the scorching sun , class 4/1,4/2 and lastly 4/3 went to ECP for CIP. Early morning need to pick up rubbish. K, at least we are doing something meaningful right?:DWent around picking up rubbish with my clan from 4/2. Finished quite early, so decided to slack at Burger King, soon more came in. I like the Burger King there cox it was BIG, compared to other BK. Lol^^
Around 12 like that, took the bus back to school. I slept all the way^^ Niceeee! Haha. Then at 1, my class went up to class to do the Graduation video. Hmm, can say that everyone co-operate(: Good job 4/2!:D We went "HIGH" and pose for our shots.
After that, straight away go play contact rugby? with classmate. OMG! The heat was unbearable:( But we continued playing.
Ohyaaa, just now Olivia said this
"Whose in my brrrroup?" whereas she wanted to say "whose in my group?"
Haha. Was laughing at her. Andandand i made her fall. Sorry eh? Felt super guilty after that, so kept saying sorry to her till she gets irritated by me:( after that, i bring her go GO put cream. Hope she feel better(: Sry againXD
Hmm, during the game, i kena drag by Yash and Danish i think. LOL. Cox i pulled their shirt when they wanted to run away. LOLOL^^
Then continued to play basketball with Alvin Ho they all. Whoooooo! So fun^^
Kk, i want go watch American Next Top Model le(;
Labels: Halo.
Sunday, May 24, 2009

I just realised that there's a lot of good show on tv today. I love today because there's CJ7! The toy super cute sia(: I think i'm going to buy one and hang it on my bag. Wheeee(: Andandand "Syifa, where's my Dumbo!?" Haha!
Hmm, tml no need bring anything cox going CIP i think. Then after school got the filming thingy and need to do the trial run for the games at the Carnival(:
Then for Tuesday, i think we going Singapore Discovery Centre. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.*Sigh.
But Wednesday will be great, cox got class outing and we planned to go Sentosa. Yayness! Going play touch rugby and volleyball, i think. LOL^^ Can't wait(:
Too bad the express got Hot-housing, whatever that is, all the best for your Mother tougue O levels eh(:
And Mrs. Period is here and it is such a troublemaker.
Labels: Am i addicted to you?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Maybe i shold just forget about you.Thinking about it really makes me sad.
and i will be emo-ing at a point of time.
I hate that feeling, you know that?
I just can't bring myself to love you.
And maybe, i can only treat you as a normal friend.
And that's what i'm going to do.
Get it?
Labels: H.
Helloooo(:Just now get to see our results. Quite dissapointed with my results, but at least it's better than nothing right?(: Gonna work hard during my holidays. Gonna tell myself,
Been playing basketball for the whole week and going home late except for thursday. Went barbeque with my Dad's teamates and bowling. And due to boredom, went arcade with Bro and played the shooting game. First time eh(: Quite fun la. Haha. Then bowling. Woohooo! At least i better then my Mom and my dad's friends lor(:
Just now, while playing basketball with Alvin they all. Wei Xiang make me super fcuk up. Sry for the vulgarities, but i'm just super angry with him. I held back my tears and anger, do you know that?:( So what if you my ex, no need say until like that right?! Asshole. Get a life! Thankyou(:
Yay! Tml weekend, can sleep like longer. Confirm wake up like 1 or 2pm lor. Imma pigXD Kk, i go le(: Enjoy your weekend people!:D
Labels: Heartless.
Wake up call.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
What happened is all i can say now. No point regretting. Because i know it's all my fault.Studied last minute for exams, no wonder results like shit.
But still, at least i put in effort right?(:
Nevermind, it's never too late, still got Prelims to freaking bloody buck up(:
Jiayou firdiana^^
Hmm, yesterday played basketball with Oneay, Olivia, Syifa and Icha. Soon some of the express malay girls joined in. I dunno/forget some of thier names, so called them "Eh,eh, you,you, I'm here!" HAHA!
then after that played catching with the express guys and girls.
While running, i felt pain on both my leg muscles, but i don't care,thought it was just normal cramps which ive experienced before.
So when me and Alvin Ho was running after Jia Wei at the exercising corner, i suddenly collapse, and the worst thing, i can't move BOTH my leg. I was like trying to move them, but to no avail. Luckily, Fadee and Farah came to my rescue. LOL. They were walking then i saw them, so i shouted " Eh,Farah help me! Help me! I can't move my leg!" Then they tried to massage my leg, and the pain got worst. Wahhhh, the feeling was damn painful lor.
Then everyone was like crowding around me, even the guys. Thanks to them that i managed to relieve myself from the pain.
And the best thing was, i continued playing catching! HAHA. I ignored the pain on my legs AGAIN. HAHA. I'm so
So today walked to school a bit slow, cox my leg still pain until now, BUT still i played basketball after school>.<>
K, la. Got to go le, to my usual website. YOUTUBE(:
Labels: Don't give up, until you got nothing left.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Wooohooo! I manage to change my blogskin by myself!Yay! Super uber proud of myself eventhough the skin is not so niceee but STILL.
Hahah. Okay whatever^_____^
Okay, been rotting at home since friday. Damn bored, i tell you.
But surprisingly, yesterday night, being too bored, and got nothing to do,
i practice on my maths. Yeah, maths. I know, the
Lol. But at least i didn't waste my time right(:
Then was on the phone till 4am. LOL. With *errmmmm.
Only some will know laXD
Yay! Tomorrow got school. Been looking forward to it, not bacause i want to see my results,
just because got PE. Haha. Okay, i know i'm weird,but too bad, this is who i am^_______^
K la, i want go already, watch Youtube, it's my favourite website for now. LOL^^
Labels: Broken string.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Okay, been rotting at home since yesterday since i cannot go out with my girlfriends.
I can see that they really had a lot of fun(:
Lol. Jealous you know, but whatever it is,things happen for a reason(:
You know what i do at home?
-Wake up at 1pm or 2pm (Imma pigXD)
-Eat and eat and eat non-stop(:
-Watch Television
- Then use laptop till midnight.
But most of the time , i keep eatingXD Haha. I WANT TO GAIN WEIGHT!:D
Then when use computer, i will either blog-hop or go youtube sing(:
My hobby mahXD
K la, i want go le(:
Later maybe going play basketball awhile:D
Thanks for cheering me up(: I really appreciate it. And i was really touched by one of them because she knows my character alot. Anyway, I just wanna say i love you people to the core.
Keep rocking on aites(:
Labels: Rockstar.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Don't you guys have the little trust on me and give me more freedom?It's very hard to please you guys, do you know that?
I studied really hard for my exams and when i want to go out, the answer is always,
You think i want, baby is it.
Hellooooo! I'm already 16, i repeat, 16, come i spell it out for you, SIXTEEN YEARS OLD!
Hais. stop treating me like i'm some stupid kid who doesn't know how to take care of myself.
The place that i can always go is LOT1LOT1LOT1!
Sian leh. I want go Bugis with friends also cannot. CB!
Whatever la.
People keep saying i everytime very Happy.
Like struck lottery like dat.
But deep inside my heart, i'm crying.
They don't know the softer side of me yet.
I yet to reveal them.
You guys made me cry a lot today.
Even Afifah know i'm sad.
Cox just now when i called her to tell that i couldn't make it tml, i just talk awhile nia,
but everytime if i call her, i will talk non-stop.
That's how she know i'm sad.
Thanks girl for comforting me.
So, tml rot at home.
Damn boring.
Today's paper was difficult and i didn't finished it cox i slept!
I'm soo dumb to sleep.
Regretted sleeping.
Hais. Whatever, it's over:(
Ps: Don't think i don't know your dirty little secret,Dad.
Labels: Parents.
The Fear.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hello!:D I'm feeling super sleepy plus bored now.
Just now felt asleep awhile at macD, they talk, i sleep. Hahah.
Too tired le. Everyday will sleep at 3 or 4 in the morning just to last minute study for the next paper. Hais.
Nevermind, one more paper tml, and i'm done with MYE.
Today was POA paper 1. Wooohhooo! Managed to do(:
I think i can score for paper1, BUT cannot be too confident about it.
Hmm, gonna study hard for paper2:D
It's good that exams are going to be over in one days time, BUT the fear has yet to come.
Bacause it's gonna be hell when i get my results.
I really hope to get 1 or 2 A1 in MYE. Hais.
Nevermind, Jiayou for Prelims and N levels(:
Ohyaaaa, before i end,
every single hatred that we had for each other is out now and everthing's coool between us:D Wheeee. No more grudges towards one another.
K la, going play basketball le.
Btw, i bought a Dickies bag instead of the Levis shoe(:
I'm very fickle-minded as you can see. Hahahah!
Ps: Mr Yew said the whole of 4/2 failed our Maths paper:/ Die la.
Labels: Please.
Hard to breath.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I miss hanging out with you guys.The laughter that we shared.
Gossiping and etc.
We really do care about each other.
Eventhough sometimes we bitch about one another.
We are there for one another.
We motivates one another.
We do change a lot, because we are a growing teenager.
Whatever it is, we will always stand by one another no matter what.
Just wanna say i miss you and love you guys alot.
Ps: We will settle everything on Tuesday after exams because i hate to see all of us going our own waay.
Labels: Guess it right.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Helloooooooo!:DOkay, i should be revising for my History and POA. But i'm too bored and dont have THE MOOD to study just yet. Lol. Whatever, later than i start memorizing bah.
Both paper for math was difficult.It was the first time i left so much blank for math. Hais. Nevermind, it's over but still its not to late to buck up. I promise myself that after MYE, i start doing at least one or two math practice:D Chemistry and Biology was okay la. Got some secrets behind it. Lol.
Later going play basketball with Sean, Wei hao, Don and Charlotte. Very sian lor everyday need to study for exams, can go mad i tell you. Haha. But still im worried for exams. Okay whatever. Very bored le. Bye!:D
Ps: But how come only three of us do not know anything. How come one of them is with you all? Okay maybe we should be patient but.... aiya, whatever.
Labels: Mug-ing.
Study Freak eh.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Helloloooo!:D Okay, i know i shouldn't be blogging right now but it's just soooooo boring.And i'm now waiting for Jiali, Olivia, Charlotte and Hong yi come my house study. Lol:D
Super sleepy man.
Ohyaaaaa, english was 'great'. So now i just have to depend on my Paper1. Idiot.
Social studies was okay. Managed to remember everything for both essays. But the SBQ i anyhow do and apply the skills. And most of us didn't managed to do the last question due to time constraint. Sheesh. Nevermind.
Yesterday was holiday for 4Na student so went study from afternoon till night. Lol. Alot og crazy yet funny things happen. And i just know thet Olivia very violent. Hahha.
Hmm, today was Math paper 1 and Chemistry. Omg la. Yesterday i slept at 4 in the morning just to study both math and chemistry. Then need wake up at 6.30am for school. Super tired la.
Then now my eyes feel like closing le=.-
Erm math was super difficult. Aaaaaargh! I really need to pass my bloody math or else. Hais.
Chemistry was okay, MCQ managed to do but the Section C i forget some stuff. Lol. But i think can pass la.
Must have faith in myself. Lol.
Where the hell are they? Lolol. I'm super bored right now. Okay la, i go Youtube, go see lyrics. Hahha-.-
Ps. Is it so hard to tell us? You guys have really changed a lot. Don't think that we don't know anything.
Labels: Gambateh.