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your links go here, ♥Afifah Afif Gek hwee ♥Hafizah Ivy Melvin Zara Trevor Yuling Eugenechua Feng Yi Shahirah Jia li Hun ing Yan ru Elvis Olivia Yash Eddy Minwei Guan Quan Hun Ing ♥Serinna Shujun Hannah Benjamin ♥Azlin ♥Oneay Bingshu Mubin Yu Xiu ♥Wendy Yuhui(Ah Gong) ♥Syifa ♥♥♥Firdayana Alvin ♥Aryenti ♥Shahirah ♥Hazimah ♥Syahila ♥Farishia Justin ♥Farah deeee:D drumrolls
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Labels: Math-ing.

Labels: Twin.

Hmm, ohyaaa, in the morning went polyclinic. Was sick,cough and flu ,and also have to accompany my Ahma go appointment. I dunno why i cannot wake up in the morning sia, superrrrr shag. Came back, slept again while waiting for Syifa to get ready to take timetable at school. 12 plus she called, and i told her," eh, lazy ah, we take on Monday la." LOL. After a few minutes, i called her, "Eh, let's just go take, verry boring." -.-HAHA. I'm such a fickle minded girl:D
Anw,in the morning, was tuning on to 98.7fm, and they were talking about Micheal Jackson. I was like 'why the hell are they talking about him??' Then when i reached polyclinic, i saw the headlines, it wrote,
Headlines: Michael Jackson dies at the age of 50.
Yeah, i was verrrrrry S-L-O-W. Okay whatever. HAHA:/ Goodnight!:D
Labels: Beat it.

Labels: Fydie's bitch birthday.
-Besides lips,where is the favourite spot to get kiss?
* Hmm, cheek(:
-How do you feel when you wake up this morning?
*Still sleepy but excited^^
-Who was the last person you took photo with?
*Oneay and Icha.
-Would you consider to be spoiled?
-Would you ever donate blood?
*Hmm, maybe yes, maybe no. I'm scared!:(
-Have you ever had a bestfriend whose the opposite sex?
*Er nope.
-Do you want someone dead?
*Noooooo, not for now(: LOL^^ What a question.
-What does the last message say?
*"You at which toilet?"
-What are you thinking right now?
*Hmm, thinking of YH and also should i go play basketball later^^ Lol.
-Do you wish someone is with you?
*Yeah, absolutely.
-What time you went to bed last night?
* Around 4 plus.
-Where did you buy the t-shirt you are wearing now?
*Bugis street(:
-Is someone in your mind?
-Who was the last person who texted you?
10 person to do this quiz:
1) Farishia
10) Whoever who wants to do(:
-Who is 2 having relationship with?(Hafizah)
* Me(: I'm her mental hospital partner. LOLOL^^
-Is 3 female or male?(Oneay)
*Er female.
-If 7 and 8 are together, will it be a good thing?(Syifa and Azlin)
* They are already together, as bestfriend.
-What is 1 studying about?(Farishia)
*Ohhhh, easy, she is studying what Rainbow centre is teaching her right now XD
-when was the last time you chat with 5?(serinna)
*Yesterday night, regarding her birthday. LOL^^
-Is 4 single?(Afifah)
*She's my scandal. HAHA.
-Say something about 2?(Hafizah)
*Mental hospital partner xD
-What do you think if 3 and 6 being together?(Oneay and Hazimah)
* Dunno. No comments.
-Describe 9.(Shahirah)
*She got verrrrry nice curly hair(: LOL. And pro in guitar geek.
-Do you like 8?9Azlin)
*Hmm, another scandal of mine. LOL.
Yes, FINALLY, done with it. Too bored that's why i do(:

Labels: I need a little good luck to get my by.
Hmm, currently pissed off with some people. Whatever to them, for whoever you think you are. __
Had Math Hot-housing on Monday and Tuesday,8am- 3pm. Hmm, was helpful in the beginning but as time pass, it was freaking boring. And the problems all kinda difficult. Irritating manzxzxzx. But i did tried my best to do the questions, somehow, i can do it^^ Hahaa. And Oneay was stressed out cox she cannot understand, so took my time to teach her abit(:
BUT one thing i hate, is the teacher. He damn fast la, like chuchu train like that. End up, all of us was left behind at our own pace-.-
Okay enough of ranting. Yay! Tml going swimming with Icha and Oneay since the rest cannot make it-.-
Ohhhhyaaaa, Unity has got their first H1N1 case. Received sms from Olivia, LOL. Dunno whether true anot eh but just wanna say TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF! Anyway, accompanied Grandma to Polyclinic just now, and i need to wear a mask cox i was having flu, lucky i never say i cough or else i need to waer the bigger mask-.- Lol. And it was suffocating wearing the mask, cannot breathe,REALLY, for me la:D
Okay, i dunno what to say already, seriously. Update tml cox it's a special day for my bitch:D HAHAHA!
Kay, goodnight!:D
Labels: Freestyle.

Labels: Saw you from a distance.

Labels: Shall remain as it is then.

Stupid dumbshit! I'm like rotting at home:(
Nevermind, shall go study now!:D
xoxo fydie(:
Labels: Still.
Uploading photos! Do not disturb,
Weekends was great for me and family(:
On sunday after attending my dad's friends wedding headed down to Takashimaya, mum bought herself a pretty little "COACH" bag. Then headed down to Far east plaza to search for my stuff. In the end, didn't buy any clothes, just a cute green bangle. It's really coool(: LOL.
Hmm, then went to Bugis to continue my scavenger hunt for clothing, LOL, found myself a high-waisted dress. Yay me!:D Then walked to the new shopping centre, Alumni, i think. I dunno and forget the name, BUT one thing i can be sure of is that, the shopping mall is superrrrrr big! And the escalator is damn long, but i've seen longer at Orchard la. LOL^^
Kk, enough. Moving on,
Monday went for bowling with Aunt and cousins(: Played a total of three games. Whoooh! Was sure tiring but fun. Hehehe! Than something sad and shocking happened. Shall not elaborate, went for dinner and off to my cousin's house. We laughed like mad women sia, then decided to go out and buy some snacks. Ended of with my dad fetching both me and my bro home(:
Today was suppose to stay at home but i'm scaredd. Hahaha! Scary cat~ Cox the night before i watched ghost show on internet and i keep on imagining stuff.
Anywant, Weihao is coming back tomorrow! Yay! Haha. Ohhhhh! By the way, both my hand got 3 different colour tone. Weird, but coooool. Hahaa!
Kk, i want go watch movie le. Goodnight!:D
Labels: Procrastination.
Courtesy of Ely's phone, Somehow i took all the photos. Hehe(:
In the Mrt,on the way home:
*rritated by Icha's spasticness
Me: Eh, you go back your Sunshine centre la!
(pauses for awhile)
Me: Eh, wrong, rainbow centre!
Icha: Hahahaha Sunshine centre!
Anyway. on Wednesday night i was too bored till i went insane and went and irritate Hafizah. hehe. See the conversation at her blog(:
Shall stop here.Goodnight!
Labels: Rainbow centre
in that particular ocean, there's nothing,only water,
clear blue water,
I would just imagine myself swimming in the ocean,
all by myself, swimming freely, like the fish in the real ocean.
Nothing to fear off, being eaten by sharks or whatsoever,
just keep on swimming wherever i like,
that's what i want in real life, eventually,
all this only happens in my dreams:(
In the real ocean, big or small creatures are constantly living in fear,
needing to be aware of the surrounding,
fear of predators lurking around,
that's what life is all about,
you have to go through all kinds of challenges and face obstacles in the mid of life.
I feared failure,but it is believed thatfailure means ine step closer to success.
So,no matter what,i have to think positively and i'm not gonna give up!
I don't want to think about any more things that's gonna affeact my studies. No more
Labels: Free.
Today went for english lesson in the morning (: Did the mock N level paper-.- The paper okayokay nia. I think the rest of my classmates didn't finish the paper, LOL. So they went off first. Icha and me stayed back to do the whole paper excluding the summary(: Ohyaaaa, brought my guitar along cox Icha and me planned to sing and play guitar. LOL. Went MacD,have to drag along the guitar. Lucky in the morning my dad sent me to school, or else i must have looked
Then went back to school, slacked till 4 plus and went home(:
Anyway, i miss hanging out with my girlfriends:( Maybe we shall have a study outing once in awhile? (: But make sure we really study ah(: LOL^^ Looking forward to it, if there's any la:D
Ohhh, by the waay, I'm addicted to the song Bitter love and Kantoi. So cute sia song(: Haha.
Sang by this awesome Malaysian girl. Should check her out on Youtube:D
Andandand Weihao left for Taiwan yesterday, he message me before he went off:
W: Bye assholes, HAHA!
F: Bye asshole. Must miss me(: I will miss you dumbshit!:D Make sure you buy for me something.
W: HAHA! NO MONEY! Lol. Yeah, will miss youXD'
F: What no money?! Better buy for me hor. Hahaha!
W: Hahaha! Kk, see howXD
F: K la, you come back call or message me ah! Remember!:D Lol^^
Wth, i soooo thick-skinned ask him buy for me thingsXD Nevermind, shall see till he come back from Taiwan(:
K la, GOODNIGHT!:D Shall go to my favourite website now. Hahaha!
Labels: True.
This morning went for maths class. I thought i was late, but surprisingly i was the second one to reach class(: Yay me! Lol. Slept awhile while Ms chua was going through the papar, tsktsk.
Ate breakfast at MacD, Icha went crazy after drinking the tea. Putri and me suffered from stomachache. She drank tea,i think. And i drank milo,damn you Milo. Hahaha! Make me suffer only. Ohyaaaaa, when i was in the toilet alone, the lights suddenly went off. Stupid lights. Was kinda freaked out,so i on my music as loud as possible and sang along with it. LOL^^
Then slacked at Np room, putri slept, i did my revision. Lol. I'm sucha good girl. Eyeeeer, BHB. Hahaha! Didn't do much, just did revision. LOL^^ Anyway, shodiqin was really dumb, it goes like this, i think i left my perfume in the class, then shodiqin saw it, then syifa tell him to give it to her so that she can return it to me when she meet me. But he said "I rather throw away." And he laughed-.- So I went to find him at BK. I ask him where's my perfume, guess what he said? " Ohyaaa, i forgot" I somehow shouted at him. he super dumb la, lie oso dunno how to lie properly. And he very thick-skinned sia, he still go use my perfume. Damn you. If he really throw away my perfume, i think i'm gonna slap him. Pabo!
Anyway, someone told me about something and i'm quite shocked but happy at the same time. It's like a confession made(: Okayokay, whatever:D
K la, goodnight!:D
Labels: Bitter love.
1) Arrange sheep, horse,pig, tiger and cow in your own preference.
My answer: Sheep,pig,cow,horse,tiger.
2)Describe one word on the following:
My ans: Dog=Noisy
Meaning:Noisy-Own personality
Cute-About my partner
Disgusting-About your enemies
Bitter-Describe sex
Mystery-Own life
3)Write down someone you think of most and is important to you and relate them with this:
My ans: Yellow-Dayana
Meaning: Dayana is a true friend that i will never forget.
Eddy is my true friend-.-
Trevor is someone i really love-.-
Alvin is my twin soul.
Oneay is someone i will remember for the rest of my lfe.
I dunno about this quiz eh. whatever:/

Anw, Unity had our 10th Anniversary Carnival last saturday. Quite fun la. Our booth turn out okayokay nia. Crowded with little kids. LOL^^ Went 4/7 haunted house, can say i was quite freaked out. Hahaha. they really look like real corpes. Ohyaaa, when we entered the 2nd stage, i was freafed out by cheryl who was standing beside the door, suddenly, from nowhere someone jump out and grab Afifah's leg, i was behind her, and guess what, i screamed, jumped and bang onto the wall-.- stupid me. Hahha! Overall, two thumbs up for it(:
The performance was somehow great(: I just wish that one day i can perform with Icha if possible. LOL^^
Ohyaaaa, along the way to school, saw Hafixzah and walked with her, had this convo, damn funny, for us la(:
Fydie: eh, you want go haunted hospital?
Fizah:Huh?! mental hospital?
Hahaha! Mental Hospital eh? Laughed about it all the way, and we even joked about making one ourselves. LOL us:D
Weekends slacked and yes, i did study(: Practiced on my math:D Yay me! Gonna chiong my studies. Gogogogo Fydie(: Must believe in yourself and always think positively(: Tml got Math. Must try my bestt to concentrate^^
Inside joke:
(Heard the someone playing the trumpet at HTA)
A: Eh, noisy sia.
F: Ya la!
A: But we like in Swedish like that ah?
F: Hahahaha! Ya la, eh wait, i thought should be Sweden?
A: LOLOLOL. Ohyaaaa, paiseh, say wrong. Don't tell people eh.
They just make my day(:
Labels: How you feel.

Today History lesson was okay la. Teacher was finding someone who is very naive in class then Yash shouted "Firdiana la!" haha! Okay fine, i'm very naive.
Yash: Eh fydie, Santa claus coming you know!
Me: Huh?! Really? When?* gives her the excited face.
Yash: Er 26 december*smiles widely
Me:-.- that is sooooooo lame yash.
Haha! See, told you. I believe every single thing they told me. LOL! Such a dumbass(:
After lesson, went to buy lunch and ate in school. Around 2plus did the carnival thingy. Super pissed off with someone. Shall not elaborate. Ohyaaaa, the shodiqin damn irritating, he keeps on talking non-stop,in the end never help with anything. Noobshit.
Did the carnival thingy till 4 plus and started to play soccer(: and now my right ankle is painful, old injury. LOL.
And mother' treat us to bubble tea. Thankyou ah. Hahaha!
Went home and showered. Ate. And did maths homework. Difficult:(
Labels: It's the end of you and me.

I dunno what's wrong with my phone. The camera like siao like dat. Hais. Whatever la. Must take extra good care of it from now on^^
Anyway, i super uber proud of myself cox i started studying already. Woohoo! But only maths, nevermind, must take one step at a time. LOL. Eh, can someone tell me what's nanoseconds? Pretty please?(: If you know the answer, just tag me bah(: Thanks^^ Andandand can someone make me a motivation card? I really need one to move on right noww. Cries:"( Seriously,i need one. I'm not joking.*Hinting.
If you get what i mean(:
Labels: I need you.
Hafizah went back cox she got d&t, while the three of us went to Lot1 MacD. LOL. Saw this sweet couple, the girl was an indian and the guy was a chinese. Dangs! The girl so lucky. LOL. Saw a lot of
Rushed home, sorry Efa and Erin. Paiseh ah. Mum never work then go Woodlands. All the while, i was looking glum and didn't have the mood becaue of what happened earlier. Shall not elaborate.
"Give up on me if you want, just don't push me to my limits,cox if you do, i'm gonna tell your
LOL! I didn't know got people, as in my school friends watched American Next Top Model. I thought i was the only one-.-Guess what? Even Oneay and Fizah thinks that Sam should have won. In the end Mckey won,dumb shit. Mckey the mouth like fish like that. HAHAHA! Okay whatever,enough(:
Tml got combine humanities at 12.30. Sure damn sleepy one. LOL. After gthat going do the carnival stuff. I'm drawing the girl and boy. Haha! Hope it turns out niceeee^^
Kk, i want eat le.
Ps: I miss olivia lee Jia Min!:D LOLOL.
Labels: Missing you alright.
Finished lesson at 10:30, so decided to eat breakfast at MacD. Eat already, took out matths to do some practice, in the end, practiced two question only-.-
Asked Azlin pei me go see spectacles. I'm in interested in THAT specs. LOL, but yet to ask my parents about it. Hmm, then went to slack at NP room alone. Loner siaXD Haha. But i felt peaceful at that lonely moment(:
Dragonboat was super funny, especially when we were in the bus, four of us, Ely, Amirah, hannah and myself was laughing our ass off crapping about stuff and somehow bitching. LOL. Laughed till stomach pain sia. Hahahaha! But the thing i hate the most is that i'm getting tan.
I dunno why at the end of the last bite of eating Mcspicy, it was super spicy and i felt like crying due to the spicyness. LOL.So dumb of me. Amirah said those who cannot stand spicyness has a chinese tougue. Hahaha. Whatever:/
All the best to Npcc cadets, who are going for the shooting competition tml. I'm scared! Pray hard everything goes well, and the thumbiece is easy to push and i've got enough strength:(
Ps: I don't like Mckey. Why must she win ANTM cycle 11. I was looking forward to Samantha winning. Dammi.t
K bye(:
Labels: I will miss you for some special reasons.

Today went for Dry shooting in the morning. Oversleep, sooooo dumb of me. Lol. Early morning Afifah made us laugh like mad people. Lmao!

Wahh, i dunno what to study sia. Die die, tomorrow must at leat study for one hour(: Jiayou Fydie(:
Labels: Love game.