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Friday, July 31, 2009
I was wondering and poundering, why i was always given the get-lost look when i'm with people. Very curious.I'm those kind of girl who is verrrrrry sociable and i've got a mixture of friends.
Even my teacher saw how i reacted.
She said,
"Firdiana is stucked between her malay friends and her mixture of chinese-indian-malay friends."
Wth:/ Even she notice it.
Yes, i'm trying very hard not to be sensitive, but this happened too many times already, and i just can't take it anymore.
I've no one to confide in, like seriously.
Even if i think tell them my problem, i bet they won't understand.
It's really hard for me.
I felt left out most of the times,eventhough i felt this way before during my primary school years.
Sometimes,i told myself,"Let's try to be a loner today, and see how well it goes."
But it was never successful.
Because, to me, friends are the most important people when you are in school.
Yes, i do admit that sometimes i do treat my friend badly, as in joking around.
But ahhhhhhhh whatever.
I always wanted to make them feel important, but they never made me felt that i'm part of them.
But still, just three words,"Life's goes on."
Exams in four days time, next tuesday is my Malay paper 2 and Social studies. I don't want anything to affect me. So i will try to treat as if nothing is happening.
Labels: Drain out.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hello!^^ See the above pibture, Woohooooo! He's super hot, too bad his number 9, if he were 8, i would have been crazy over him. HAHA. Kidding.
Anyway, i should me doing my POA now, not updating. Shit me!
I'm sleepy already, and i've yet to do my homework. Bleahhhh. Shall do later^______^
School has been hectic, crazy, sad, confused and mad this week. Like really la.
Monday, early morning, something sad happened. Made me cry-.- sensitive girl. Lol.
Sianxzxzxzxz man. Whatever la.
Yesterday went study at Limbang MacD with Olivia. Rollerblade there. Guess what? I fell like umpteen of times. Got one time, i fell, is somersault one lor, the Olivia keep laugh at me-.- asshole!^^ HHAA! Now, my butt hurts and there are abrasions on both my knees. Serve me right xD
Today was Malay 'N' level oral. OMG la! It was difficult. I get tougue-tied when i wanted to say something. Shit me! Then went home, changed, off to Yash birthday party, Great!^^
Okay, shall go study now. Goodnight Monsters!^^
Labels: Great escape.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
OMG la, blogger is such a bitch nowadays. Bleaaaaaaaaahhhh.Anyway, read Afifah's blog. I totally agree with her. I mean after 10 years of studying, and you think that your parents have not been giving you enough freedom,and that's when you decided to give up on everything and go out and have fun. Not thinking about the consequences they are going to face in the future.What the freaking fish is that? It's like so
Well, back to my life(: Yesterday, which was sartuday, went to my cousin's house at Jurong. Played with Hazirah. She's soooooooooo cute. I took photos with her, but too bad, it's in mum's phone,and blogger is acting bitchy.
Okay i beeter go now, Liverpool VS Singapore is on. YAY! Can't wait to see my boyfriend playing, Torres 09. HAHAHA! Kidding, if only Gerrard was here. Okay, BYE!
Labels: Torres 09
Friday, July 24, 2009
- Why? Why did you tell her? Why can't you just tell me face to face? Why must you involve another person? I didn't expect you to do that. I was very shocked. You really hurt me, i'm okay if you tell me straightforward, i will understand, at least i won't be that hurt. Hais. You should i'm talking about you, yes, YOU!__
Labels: Unexpcted.
Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo! Eh, why blogger the format like that sia, you know i know xD Damn complicated can. Haiyo.Anyway, one week of school just pass, meaning ONE MORE WEEK to prelims. O-M-G la!*spells it out. LOL. Scary to the bloody maxxxxxx.
But i know I CAN DO IT(: So ya,m must think positively:D
Ohyaaa, wednesday was a super bad day for me. Felt very no-mood went going to school, wasn't looking forward to it. Then POA lessons, became worse. Someone told me something, very unexpected, and without knowing, i cried. The rest of the day was sooo bleahhhhhhhhh. And Mrs kumar keep di siao me during Biology, imagine, i have to sit in the middle of the girls and in front of Mrs Kumar. OMG. The reason: I verrrry blurr sotong. LOL:/
Yesterday went swimming with Yash,Olivia, Hong yi and Putri. Guess what?! 2 person almost drowned. OMG, super scary. I have no strength to fo the lifeguard thingy. But lucky, nothing serious happened. A great experience actually. Woohoo! Hahaa. Siao.
Today, went to school with super small eyes. Talk to Yu ling and she laughed at me cox my eyes like closing like that and need to be forced open. LOL^^
Had Malay and SS test. While doing malay, accidentally slept and i was the last one to finish-.- LOL. And after that SS test, very dissapointed in them. Hais. I think all the studying last night explains why my eyes was small the next morning. Doinks!
After school went Lot 1 with Pure, Ely, Amirah and Fizah, watch them eat. Then dad fetched me and went to Geylang to eat. After that, went cemetery to visit my late grandpa. Man, i miss him so much, i love to smell his strawberry cigarette. Hehe(:
Okay, my cousin is coming to my house later. Wheee~ Okay, toodles!
Labels: Tell me why.
Sunday, July 19, 2009

You know what, yesterday, while i was rollerblading around my estate, i saw a couple making out. LOL. Under the block leh, in the broad day light somemore-.- Nonsense.
So, after i saw, i keep rollerblading there, di siao them. HAHA! So fun, i keep laughing to myself, lucky no one saw:D
Yesterday's party was okayokay, played basketball at Newcourt awhile, then return to the party again:/ The cupcakes verrrrry nice^^
Today rot at home. Sian:/ Now then managed to study, it's like 12 plus am le.
Tomorrow got school, got PE! Yay! And must get to serious bussiness le, PRELIMS IN ANOTHER 20 MORE DAYS *gasps.
Okay, got to go le. Goodnight! ILY:D
Labels: Stupid.
Friday, July 17, 2009

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I miss those time:'( Thinking about it just make me miss those times more. Sadsad:[ When i was emo-ing at one point of time and when it comes to taking pictures, i was pushed by Danish, somehow somesault to the ground and cried because i was shocked-.- HAHA!^^ Memories that won't be forgotten forever. It will always stay in my heart. Aisey!^^ Lol. So sweet(:
Didn't attend school today. Can say i pon la, cox bluff my mum i sick, actually sick la but was still able to go to school, but due to my lazyness, HEHE. LOL^^
Convo with Mum in the morning when she woke me up,
Mum: Firdiana, wake up!!!! You still sick?
Me: What? No, i dunwan go school. LAZY!
Mum: Huh? What lazy? You still sick anot?
Me: Aiya, not lazy then still sick la!
HAHA! That's what i can remember cox i was mumbling when i was talking to her. After that, went MacD find Jiali they all. Waited for Farishia they all to finish AEP. Bumped into Fizah, so chit chat. Thanks for keeping me company!^^ Hehe.
Okay, that's all.
Mum is asking me to stop using computer le. Ohnoooooooo! She's coming. *gasps then SCREAMS(!!!!!) HAHA. K, i better off.
Labels: Tonight.
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Throat's killing me. Flu really sucks, my nose really hurts from the wiping of dozens of tissues.
Sore throat. Coughing makes my throat damn painful. No strength to do any work.
Thanks all for your concerns. Love you people!^^
Labels: Lovedrunk.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hello^^ LOL. Okay, You see the above picture? Isn't he just acute? LOL(!) I forget how to spell his name ah.Eh wait, the 1st picture got his name, JONGHYUN(!)HAHA. Okay whatever, short and random post only. Need to do homework le:c
Goodnight assholes(!) :D:D:D
Labels: Shinee.
No monday blues.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Today was a good day, not that boring.
PE was, well, rough but fun.
Now my index finger and thumb got injury cox Putri accidentally whacked it while trying to hit the ball. HAHA. Great^^
Math was WOW! Very interesting for the 1st time. Class was separated. Cool^^
I like the new method. Hehe(:
After school, bump into mum so she blanja me KFC:D
Mock exam paper for Math AEP.
Super sian>.<
So now i'm HUNGRY!
And i need to eat and do ALL my homework and do some revision.
Prelims in 28days time!*gasp*
K whatever, GOODNIGHT!
Labels: Boo to you.
Smelly belly.
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hello!:D Hmm, maybe a short post.
Haven't finish my freaking homework yet:C
Very lazy do, maybe later finish as much as i can:D Jiayou fydie!(:
Hmm, today didn't go anywhere just went out to meet mum for lunch at Yew Tee and rollerblade after that:D My bro was dumb and irritating. He pushed me till i felled down while rollerblading. Asshole!:P Felled down for like 4 times today. Xia sway! Now my right arm and knee hurts. Sadsad. Ohyaaaa, saw asyidiq actually it's he saw me first la at Yew Tee point. I saw this group of football boys, then they keep stare at me, So i just looked away. Then while they going up the escalator, one of them like keep on whistle. So i looked up and i laughed-.- I like WTH sia. So went i was walking towards my dad's car, so them again, suddenly,
"Firdiana!" a familiar voice called me.
* i turned and looked*
*He waves at me* *All the other football boys looked at me*
*i wave back*
*In my heart, "OH! It was Asyidiq!"
Haha! K whatever. No wonder they all keep staring at me. Huahua! K that's all.
Trying to bring myself to study, but nahh, too bored.
Tml schooling, got PE! Yay me! Hahaa.
Labels: Missing you.
I gotta feeling.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Hello! Yay! Like finally blogger can upload photos. The bottom photos are from last monday, Youth holiday. Enjoy! Tee hee:DOkay, school this week was okayokay nia(: Didn't sleep except for yesterday, during malay class. Cox The night before that i got a slight fever. Lucky Mdm Rashidah didn't scold mr for sleeping, she even ask me to go to sick bay. Lol.
After AEP yesterday, went rollerblading and played badminton with Gfs:D
Ohyaaaa, i felled in while rollerblading(!!!!)
Damn xia sway leh. I want go down the curb then skali i lose my balance and fall backwards. Then went i want get up, i fall again-.- Noob sia. HAHA. People at the bus stop was laughing at me, i can hear them laugh _ _
Tomorrow, i mean today afternoon maybe going chiong my homework and study. Wish me luck eh!(:
K, i got to go sleep. GOODNIGHT!:D
Labels: Whatever.
Trust no more.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Dear humans,Can someone tell me what did i do wrong till you have to say that about me? Am i that bad? I was really shocked when i heard what you said. I was hurt. Yes, hurt about what you said. I'm not angry but just curious. Why you have to say that? Really, WHY? I was blankly sitting there eating my food, thinking what should i talk to you guys while walking back to class. But it seems that you guys ignored me. Or was i being to sensitive? maybe. I dunno. We shall see tomorrow. Happy settling people.
Ps: This is what i feel.
Labels: Point.
No more.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Today was crazy and fun(: Played basketball and Badminton with HafizahAley, Afifah and Hafizah 4/5(:
Laughed and talk alot:D Mostly we _____ about people. Hehe.
Only we know:D Then went to Yew Tee to eat dessert and sat awhile at Mcafe. I ate doublecheese. Too hungry. LOL^^Then around 6 plus meet mum and went home together, actually not purposely meet la, it's coincidence. Ha ha ha.
Aaaaaargh! Damn pissed off with blogger. Cannot upload photos. Your mama la cannot upload! XD LOL^^ nevermind, shall upload on facebbok. See how XD
Anyway, being a good schoolgirl yesterday night, i did all my assignments. Hehehe:') Really satisfied when i know i've finished my homework on time :D And on wednesday is my N level oral! Scary :x But i did study abit about oral just now, OPEQ! Ha ha ha. K whatever:/
Tomorrow got school! Sheeesh. Another boring,sleepy school day. K, i'm exaggerating. LOL^^
Hope it's gonna be a nice day for me:D
Shall uplaod photos next time since the stupid blogger doesn't allow me:P
Boo to blogger. Lol^^
Labels: Stay my baby.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Wow! Today was a wet day. Rain the whole day, i think.Cox when i went to Iluma and bugis that time raining, then going back that time also raining.
Very cooling BUT irritating xD Because of the puddles in singapore.
Okay, i'm crapping. Whatever:/
Tml YouthDay Holiday! Can slack!:D Going play badminton and basketball tml with them:D
Lol^^ Been slacking during weekends. Whatever:p
Ohyaaaa, Dad has been talking about Liverpool coming to s'pore. I want to watch!
The last time i went was when i was still a little girl. Tsktsk. But due to not saving up, no chance of going le. Cries:'(
K, Goodnight!:D
Labels: Every moment.
Burning fats.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
To girlfriends!Are you guys free this monday? Want to go play any sports? Do message me or tag me if you want asap!:D
Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm really sorry. It wasn't my intention.
I just wanted a reason. Why.
And i understand your situation.
Accusing doesn't do any good.
Gossips too.
So might as well, being a true friend,
i asked first, why.
I just wanted a reason. Why.
And i understand your situation.
Accusing doesn't do any good.
Gossips too.
So might as well, being a true friend,
i asked first, why.
Labels: Suxtobeme.
Tearing me apart.
Eeeeeeeeeeee, blogger cannot uplaod photos__Irritaing you know. K whatever.
Monday was great, cox got PE, but still boring. Cox we played floorball. Sucha boring game, you know. Hate it. But still, a lot of laughters from my classmates. Was appointed the PE rep. Dammit. Was praying hard not to be chosen, but the teacher can read my mind-.- Lol.
NO AEP! Hehehe. Go where? MacD to study with Oneay(:
Tuesday was sleepy. Slept alot in class. Stupid me. K whatever. Essay for AEP:D
Wednesday was dumb. Three periods of freaking boring malay. Almost fall asleep. Tell you, it's super boring to sit at the first row, at the right hand corner. Damn NOT motivated leh. Sian. But lucky Serinna made everyone laughed about something. Hahaa. Then she blamed me and Oneay for giving her wrong anwsers to it xD Went with Hafizah 4/5. Get to talk. LOL to weihao. Haha.
Thursday was okay. Slept awhile during POA. And Mdm asmidah greeted me with a "Good the morning Firdiana!" Haha. What english is this. K whatever:/ English,funny. Chemistry was -.-, don't understand. Aaaaagrh. POA aep was funny, "Sial ah, sepet siol!" Apit said when Safiee was returning my specs. Basically meaning, hmm, small eyes???
Friday was another dumb day. First three period of Malay. Tell me, three periods for malay in the MORNING, yeah, i repeat morning. Daamn sleepy, i guess i was the only one cox when i looked around, everyone was wide awake,doing their given work. K whatever. Other periods was okayokay(: MacD for lunch. HAHA! Oneay's most embarrasing moment. Shall not elaborate. Secret:P Lol. English Aep practice oral. Jiali was high^^ After that, Grandma called and treat me to Long John. Today i eat like pig.
Chicken chop for recess.
McSpicy meal for Lunch.
Chicken bonanza for Lunch again-.-
What's next,
Maggi mee for dinner.
Great 'nutritional' food huh.
Okay, that's. I'm done with one week of school. Next monday will be celebrating Youth day, so it's HOLIDAY. I don't like cox it's the day we got PE! Noobshit la. Anyways, today was the arrangement of sits, sat beside Jerome, beside him is America. LOL. Only 4/2 know who is it. Hehe. Behind is Oivia,Afif and Wei Hao( Corn boy) (!) Hahaa, Hope this arrangement will help me concentrate more :D
K, goodnight.Btw, sorry for the wordy post. Blame blogger. HAHA.
Labels: Timetable sucks.
Buzz off.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Hi.I'm feeling super shag nowadays. Should learn how to sleep earlier.
English 'N' levels Oral is just a week away.
I'm scared. I've been practicing my pronunciation at home.
I think i got tongue problem-.- dumbshit.
Tried my best not to fall asleep during lessons, but i failed.
Stupid me. I hate myself for now.
And don't understand a shit about Chemistry now.
Why must it be now,
Flu and cough has been my "friends" nowadays__
I don't need them to be my "friends",HATE THEM.
Please, just leave me alone,both of you.
Appreciate it very much.
Shall go sleep awhile now and start studying when i wake up.
Labels: Crazy.